Chapter 3

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For Leo, every minute that passed, was a minute less in getting answers in finding his mate.

Pushing his large black wolf as much as he could, remaining hidden in the shadows of the forest, along the route to Red Moon pack, determined to reach Austin's before nightfall.

"Welcome back Leo," Austin greeted his brother, waiting at the border to Red Moon, "Everybody is ready, my scouts have confirmed that Ryker is in place, a few of his guards loitering around, it should be easy to take him down." Getting straight to the point, not wasting time, knowing how important this mission is to Leo.

Leo nodded his head, watching as a few warriors of Red Moon and Silver Moon pack joined with the group he came with.

"Good luck in capturing that scum," Austin spoke, "Just remember, I am willing for you and Eli to have a go at him, but the bastard's mine, he has a lot to answer for..."

Leo nodded in understanding, even though Keira, their sister had suffered at the hands of Ryker, it was Austin's mate who had suffered the most and Leo knew about the physical scars that Selina would carry as a reminder of what she had suffered, so it was only fitting that Austin would deal the final blow.

With one long howl, the group followed Leo, using the cover of darkness to hide their descent to the outskirts of the nearby town. Ryker had used an abandoned warehouse when he fled Red Moon and it seems that he was back there.

Reaching their destination, Leo changed into his human form, accepting with a nod the clothes given to him by one of Austin's scouts, "What is the current status?" He asked the scout.

"Ryker was last seen entering the premises an hour ago, there are guards stationed nearby and a few patrolling the perimeter." The scout responded.

Turning to the warriors that followed him, "I need you to circle the building, make sure that there is no place for anyone to escape, move in quietly and eliminate or capture anyone in your path." He ordered, "And if you come upon Ryker before me, I need him alive."

At that final command, Leo dismissed the group, watching as they moved out as ordered, turning towards the direction of the warehouse, Leo made his way stealthily, killing anyone in his path, snapping their necks before they could utter a sound.

Reaching the entrance to the building, he quietly opened the door, using his werewolf sight, scanned the dark interior, noting a light upstairs, keeping his back to wall, he moved with precision towards the stairs, remembering every nook and cranny, as he had been there before.

Looking back at the members who had followed him, he received the okay that Ryker's goons had been dealt with and that they were in the clear to invade without a fight.

Opening the door, Leo snarled in disgust at the sight before him, Ryker was clearly distracted with the attention of two naked women, one fucking his dick and the other being eaten out by his mouth, "I'm guessing your cock isn't as loyal to one person." He drawled out, watching as the two females moved with lightning speed off of a clearly dazed and surprised Ryker.

"What the hell...?" Ryker shouted, coming slowly to his senses.

"Hell is correct, because that is where you are going to be...!" Leo growled, moving forward with speed, knocking Ryker out, before he could defend himself.

"Tie him up..." Leo spat out, disgust in his voice as he ordered his warriors, "Make sure to get some clothes on him, I don't need to see his junk when I interrogate him."

"Yes sir." The warrior closest to him responded, "And the girls?"

Leo looked at the women, "Have them get dressed and taken into custody, we don't know yet where their loyalties lie and the same goes for any of those who are still alive outside."

Standing to one side, Leo watched as his men did as ordered.

His head snapping towards the door, when one of Austin's scouts rushed in.

" have to come and see this." The scout spoke urgently.

The Missing Luna - Book 5 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now