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Hello everyone.

I would just like to point out that the following upcoming chapter, is to be read at your own discretion and with an open mind.

A bit of rough sex.

Normally I wouldn't write this type of sex in my books, but I needed to divert your attention for a wee little bit longer.

Please refrain from nasty and repulsive comments, if this is not your thing, then please skip the chapter and move onto the next.

You have been warned!!!

I needed these two characters to come off as psychotic and unstable.

My apologies to anyone that might not like reading this type of thing in this chapter or had read one of the chapters in my previous book and took offense, my intention was not too make you cringe.

I hoping with today's advanced mindset, that we accept all forms of relationships, no matter which race or gender is involved or how people enjoy having sex, after all everyone has a preference in how they choose to have their sexual release.

And hopefully, we don't discriminate towards those who choose a different path from our own belief.

I am against the abusively cruel act towards any woman, man, child, animal and nature.

I'll be the first to jump in, wanting to protect those I come across, as it has happened previously before in my past, my instinct wanting to protect first, then beat the shit out of the person for harming an innocent.

Much to my family's utter horror and dismay, as they watched on the sidelines. Though I am not saying that next time I will be lucky and that I will react in the same way, every experience is different...

I guess with age, I am coming to realize, I have only one life and would love to reach a reasonably expected old age, with all my body parts intact. JJJ

So, that is why I tried my best to write that both characters are actually enjoying this type of rough housing. Hence, the reason for me to portray them as such, their psychotic personalities clashing and fighting for dominance, they definitely have a screw or two loose...

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Happy readings J

The Missing Luna - Book 5 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now