Chapter 6

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"Well...I didn't expect you to be in the throes of passion, otherwise I would have knocked." A voice spoke out amusingly.

Leo groaned in frustration and his mate hid her face in the crook of his neck, blushing, "That definitely wasn't part of my dream..." She mumbled quietly.

Leo laughed, keeping his hand on Grace's head, glaring amusingly at his brother, "And why are you here?" He asked.

"Obviously more worried about your mate, than you are!" Austin retorted sarcastically back, shaking his head.

"As you can clearly see, she is doing just fine." Leo responded firmly.

Pointing his finger at Leo, "If Mom was here, she would have your hide for taking advantage of your mate in her current state." He reprimanded.

"And who says, that it isn't the other way round and she is taking advantage of me," He asked, wincing slightly when his mate nipped his neck in punishment.

"Ha...I doubt that, I bet she is more of a lady, than you are a gentleman." Austin scoffed, shrugging his shoulders.

"At least he doesn't throw me under the bus, unlike you." Grace mumbled against his neck.

"Now...can I leave you for a few minutes, then come back and be properly introduced to your mate or should I just send for Selina right now and we can get the basics behind us, before you maul your mate and deflower our guestroom?" Austin asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Leo glared at his brother, while his mate giggled lightly against his neck, clearly now enjoying the interaction between both males.

'Oh for goodness sake, get out!" Leo growled out frustratingly, "We will be ready in a few." Seeing as his brother remained stubbornly in one spot, not moving.

"Fine, but a word of warning, I'll be bringing Selina..." Austin responded, giving his brother a final glare in warning, leaving the room in a huff.

Finally sensing that they were alone, Grace lifted her head and stared at her mate, "I guess this means we don't have time for more kisses?" She asked cheekily, pouting innocently at her mate.

Leo groaned in frustration, he should have just locked the damn door last night, then he would show his cheeky mate exactly what she could do with that innocent pout of hers.

"I need a cold shower..." He stated grumpily, lifting his mate off him, placing her next to him and getting up as quickly as possible. Knowing his brother, when he meant a few, it would probably be less than that, raking a hand through his hair, he glared at his mate, who was laughing at his predicament.

"I'm sure we will have time to get better acquainted a bit later..." She teased him lightly, laughing as he growled in irritation, stomping his big body towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Lying back down, Grace stared up at the ceiling, frowning as the reality of the situation crashed through her mind.

How long had she been held captive, have they captured the culprit and what about Raven...

The moment her best friends name popped into her head, Grace jumped out of bed, only to crash to the ground, her legs caving under her, moaning at the weakness in her legs...

Before Leo got into the shower, he heard a crash come from the room, concerned he wrapped a towel around his waist and rushed into the room, swearing under his breath, when he saw his mate on the floor, "What the hell happened...?" He asked worriedly, rushing to her side and gently gathering her up into his arms, placing her back on the bed.

"Raven...?" She could only mutter, staring wide-eyed at her mate.

Leo sighed, "She is fine..." He began, "You will see her soon enough."

"Are you sure?" Grace asked, staring intently at her mate, her eyes pleading for him to tell her the truth.

"Yes..." Leo replied, nodding his head in affirmation, "She is currently living at my pack."

"Listen, why don't we get you fed, Selina will help you with a change of clothes and the doc will give you a check-up." Leo spoke calmly, "Once that is done, we will sit down and talk about how we found you."

Grace nodded her head, her mind still in chaos, closing her eyes briefly as her mate placed a kiss on her temple, promising to remain in the bed until he returned from his shower.

The Missing Luna - Book 5 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now