Chapter 23

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In that second, Leo snapped, with the combination of months of trying to catch the culprits, the threat against his mate and pack, plus the guilt he felt for doubting his mate.

In a blink of an eye, he instantly shifted into half-wolf, half-human, moving with such speed, that nobody knew it was coming, his hand extending out, plunging into Griffin's chest, while his other hand grabbed the female by her neck, his claw tight around her neck, barely giving her a chance to breathe, as she gasped and struggled.

With his hand wrapped around a stunned Griffin's heart, Leo leaned forward, "I will never submit to a low-life scum like you...!" He growled gruffly out, his golden gaze staring directly at a shocked Griffin, blood coming out of Griffin's mouth, words sputtering out his mouth incoherently.

Losing patience, Leo yanked his hand out, Griffin's heart in his hand, still pumping, watching as Griffin's body hit the ground.

The female stilled in Leo's grasp, feeling the mate bond break, as Griffin died before her eyes.

"You fucking monster...!" She screeched out, a crazed look coming into her eyes, "You killed my mate...!" She snarled, "I will get you for this...!"

Having disposed of Griffin's heart, throwing it away, Leo's gaze was now focused fully on the female before him, bringing her up to his level, "Why did you do it Sybil?" Was the first thing he asked her, the moment he had gained her attention, his voice full of authority.

Both of them unaware, of the stunned group around them, everyone in shock and awe, as they gazed at the powerful Alpha before them, his dominance stronger than all the wolves around him combined, the sound of his voice, bringing almost everyone down onto their knees in submission.

Sybil was unrepentant, a crazed laugh escaping her lips, "You fucking moron, it's all to do with a prophecy." She shouted out at him.

"What prophecy...?" He demanded to know, wondering if she was as crazy as she looked, "Why do all of this...?"

"The damn fucking prophecy that said that a great and powerful Alpha would be born, he would lead all werewolves, bringing with him order and calm." She spat out, forced to admit the truth against her will.

"And you believed that shit...?" Leo growled out, watching as she flinched at his tone, "Doing all of this to what end...?"

"You are living proof of that fact...!" She stated firmly, laughing crazily, "At first it was all about gaining power from you, but you wouldn't look at me twice, then I met my mate, we decided to bring you down, before you realized your full potential, gathering forces and weakening all of these pathetic packs by taking their precious virgins..."

Leo could not believe the words spewing from her mouth, shaking his head at the destruction Sybil and her mate had caused over a long period.

"But...because of one greedy bastard." Sybil continued to speak, "Everything began to crumble, we had to act fast, lucky for us, your mates fell into our hands without trouble, clearly you are not a great Alpha, if you can't even keep your mate safe." She cackled out, laughing at the reminder, "It was our chance to bring you down...!"

"And failed!" He growled out, his grip on her neck tightening.

"You think...?" She gasped out, struggling to speak, "Your mate is clearly upset with you, perhaps because you couldn't keep her safe...!"

Having heard enough, Leo's claws dug into her throat, with a flick of his hand, tore her head off, killing Sybil in an instant, his breathing harsh, as he tried to control his anger and rage.

Glaring at the group that held his mate and the other two females, "You better fucking step away or you will meet with the same fate." He growled in a low threatening manner.

The rogues shivered in fear, stepping slowly and warily back, releasing the females that they had held captive.

Grace, Raven and Angel stood up, watching with trepidation at the crowd gathered around them, wandering if they should move, too scared to make a sudden movement.

"As for all of you that followed this crazed pair, you have two choices, leave peacefully or die." Leo spoke loudly out, his voice reaching out to those gathered around, watching and waiting, his wolf more than ready to end anyone's life, if they dared to cause any problems.

One by one, they stumbled back, turning around and leaving the clearing, knowing after what they had seen with their own eyes, that there was a much higher power at play, they would rather live longer, than die at the hands of their Alpha King.

The Missing Luna - Book 5 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now