Chapter 1

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Summer Sucks!

I sat back in my chair looking out at the empty classroom and took a breath. It had taken awhile, but I finally packed up all of my things, cleaned out my desk, and now had three months to myself... yeah, great.

The school year was finally over, but man did it feel like the last couple months of the semester took a freaking eternity to finish. But somehow I managed to keep some kind of composure to teach my kids, all while that asshat Jason's classroom was just across the hall from mine.

In a small school like mine it's hard to keep clear from a cheating ex bastard, and his dick sucking new girlfriend... but I did my damnedest. So when I packed up the last of the gifts the children gave me for the last day of school, I grabbed my boxes from the desk, and was more than a little happy when I shut the door behind me.

With a quick glance, I looked across the hall and saw that Jason had already left, and felt a sigh a relief. The last thing I wanted was to have some awkward meeting out in the hall, saying goodbye when I really wanted to say was... go fuck yourself! Instead, I nodded at my good fortune and walked all my shit out to my car to get myself ready to meet Stacy and Brian for drinks.

My mind was lost in thought as I popped open my trunk and started to arrange my thing, but stopped when I heard a loud annoyingly, sicking, giggle. I looked up and saw Jason's Jeep, and that's when I noticed Missy and him acting all lovey-dovey with one another next to it... excuses me while I go hurl!

With a roll of my eyes, I shut my trunk swearing under my breath just wanting to get the hell out of Dodge. I started my car and prayed that the two didn't see me as I drove off.

Later that night I sat at a table with my best friends, already on my seventh beer, and vented. "I can't believe that asshole! I mean Missy really, Missy? Anyways I thought she was dating the football coach or some shit. Why go after the fifth-grade teacher? I mean, she'd have all the prestige if she's fucking the football coach." I growled finishing off my beer.

"Whoa there cowgirl... take it easy." Brian said.

"Take it easy? Brian, I was looking forward to a great summer with Jason, now what do I do?"

"Gabby, come on..." Brian sighed.

"You know what, I'll tell you what I'm going to do... my summer is going to be spent with my imaginary men, where I can write about them any way I want." I growled.

"Oh my gosh... I got it!" Stacy cut in with a wide smile on her face. "I know this guy, he is so sweet, really smart, and makes great money..." She started.

"Did anyone else here notice that she failed to mention anything about how this guy looks?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Well, I don't find him attractive, but you might... he's supper sweet Gabby. It might just be what you need to help get over Jason." She offered.

"Great, so place a bag over his head before we have sex... noted." I said rolling my eyes.

"Come on Gabby, I'm sure you wouldn't find him that bad." She frowned.

"That means you definitely will." Brian chuckled.

"Look I'm not asking for smoking hot eye candy or anything. But I would like someone who could get me at least a little hot and bothered." I admitted.

"Well you did like Cameron, and I picked him out. You even went out on a couple dates with him... why was it you stopped again?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, Cameron. Let's see, he was cute, nice, and really funny, and after a couple dates I thought we might have some chemistry. But now let me remind you when I finally accepted to go to his place for a little fun... he introduced me to his freaking mother, you know, the one he was living with."

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