Chapter 5

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Is computer cupid screwing with me...

I had gotten my first date from my computer cupid. Score! This guy seemed to have it all. He was good looking, smart, had a good job, and from the short chat, seemed really nice, and nice was something I was defiantly into.

His name was Jeffery, not Jeff, not Jeffey, not Jeffey sweetie, but Jeffery, and yes, that's how he told me. He worked in Boston as an accountant for some big wig company. How do I know this? Because he told me so, multiple times. Okay, I already know what you're thinking, Gabby this guy doesn't seem perfect, he sounds more like a total dink! Yeah, I know that might be right but I've got to look at it this way... if I'm going to give fate the finger, I'm going to give this whole online dating a good college try.

So, when we he suggested that we meet in Portsmouth New Hampshire, this ritzy little New England town just over the Maine boarder, I thought that was perfect. It was only going to be a thirty-five-minute drive for me, so if the date is good, I can stay out a longer, and if it goes south... I'm not too far from home. But JEFFERY, had told me that he knew of a fabulous restaurant that we could meet with good wine and nice conversation. Now normally when a man uses a word like fabulous, I already get a huge red flag but, he really was cute, so why not!

I had gone out and bought my first little black dinner dress, and it was really pretty... and then I borrowed a pair of heels from Stacy, because I refuse to own a pair of calf killers. I really did myself up tonight. I did the whole makeup thing with fake lashes, red lipstick, even painted my nails. My hair was down and curled, which is something I never do, and when I looked myself over in the mirror... I thought I looked pretty damn hot!

When I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, I found his white Lexus and parked next to him. When he got out, I took a deep breath and a smile grew on my face. Oh, he was really cute and man I didn't know a man could dress so sharp. Most of the men in my life dress in jeans in a t-shirt. Then my mind flashed to Bodhi, and how that man could pull off anything you put his ass in... Damn it, get your head into the game Gabby, you're on a fucking date!

He gave me a hug and then went to go have dinner. We went to the bar to wait for our table where he ordered a glass of wine, and that was after I ordered a beer. I let that slide, we all have different taste, but as we sat down for dinner things didn't improve. He was telling me ALL about himself, and when he'd finally ask me a question, he'd manage to take over the conversation, again. This was how it went...

Him: So, you're a teacher?

Me: yes, I teach fourth grade...

Him: You know when I was in college, I was so good in my classes that I had one of my professors ask to help teach a class...

Fifteen minutes later after his teaching story...

Him: And I saw that you also write?

Me: Yes, it's my hobby. I write woman's romance novels...

Him, cutting in, again: I always wanted to write a book. I think I'd probably be really good at it...

And that's the way it continued for two and a half fucking hours. I finally just shut up and drank my water as I listened to him ramble on. Then when dinner was finished, I stopped the waiter for a cappuccino, when he put in his two cents once again...

"You know it's better for you to drink tea, don't you?" He asked.

"Well, ah, I'm more of a coffee drinker myself." I smiled, I think.

"Me personally, I always drink Earl Gray in the mornings, and green tea the rest of the day..."

"Well, that's nice..." I shrugged, and he continued to lecture me for what seemed like eternity. Even when my cappuccino came, and I proceeded to drink it, he was still trying to talk me into having a tea with him... like that was ever going to happen.

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