Chapter 10

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Excuses me, where was I when this happened...

As I tried to turn over from the light that was coming from somewhere, and waking me up from what I'm taking as a drunken stupor, I couldn't help but groan. My head was throbbing like a bitch, my mouth was dry, and I really had to go pee, but my head hurt too much to move at the moment. So instead, I grabbed the pillow next to me and placed it over my head to block the oncoming rays of sunshine... ugh!

When I finally managed to open my eyes, that felt like they were super glued together, I attempted to sit up but failed completely. "Where the hell am I..." I grumbled, only to block the light and see a wall full of wedding photos, and me in them. "Stacy's... right." I sighed.

I managed to throw covers off, and take a few deep breaths before trying to sit up again when I caught a glimps of the pj's I was in. "Holy hell Stacy, where in did you find these, freaking kids-mart for adults?" I mumbled looking at bright orange fabric covered in witches, cats, and candy corn, and when I looked down at my feet... orange and green striped socks. She always has clothing to match the holidays, and it seems that I fell prey to it. "Oh, I'm going to kill her."

When I finally sat up, I put my stupid striped feet to the floor to see if the world would sit still long enough to let me get up and maybe make it to the bathroom... "Shit, I don't even remember coming to bed last night. I must have done a good job getting drunk." I murmured scratching my head stumbling my way to the bathroom, then switching on the light.

My hands went up to block the light from my blurry eyes, before I rubbed them over my face and looked at myself in the mirror, then jumped back at what I saw. The pink lipstick was smudged around my mouth, and going up one side of my face. The mascara had bled under my eyes and had run down my face. The eye shadow was smudged, everywhere. One of my false eyelashes had managed to stay in place, but the other one... it had gone rogue and was now stuck in the middle of my freaking forehead. "Whoa girl, you got yourself fucked up." I murmured looking over my face.

With a sigh I rolled up the pajama sleeves and putting my hair in a messy bun, and then went to work on the mess that was my face. After a good scrubbing of the face and getting my mouth minty fresh, I made my way down the stairs knowing that my bestie would have a gorgeous pot of coffee already brewed to help me get sober.

My head throbbed with each step as I walked into the kitchen, but instead of Stacy sitting at the table ready to tell me everything my intoxicated mind had forgotten from last night, there sat Brian and Bodhi. I wanted to groan... why did this smoking hot male always have to see me when I was nothing more than a hot mess?

"Morning crazy lady... nice pj's." Brian laughed as I went over to the cabinet to get an aspirin.

"Don't even go there with me this morning Bri, my head hurts to damn bad. Besides, I'd pay good money to see what she dressed you in last night buddy." I grinned.

"Yeah, whatever..." He grumped turning back around.

Bodhi chuckled over at Brian and then turned to look at me. "How you feeling this morning Teach?"

I glanced up looking over at him, and then dropped the aspirin bottle, when I saw that sexy grin... but there was something more to it, I just couldn't seem to remember what. "I've had better mornings, but I'll be fine once I get a couple cups of coffee down me." I shrugged, but then... "Hey, what are you doing here so early?" I asked, finally managing to get the aspirin in my mouth.

"I thought maybe you'd want to go get some breakfast with me today. You know, so we could talk." He offered.

"Talk, talk about what?" I asked taking my first sip of go-go juice. He didn't answer so I turned around to see what was going on. Him and Brian were staring at one another, then turned back to stare at me. "What?"

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