Chapter 3

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You've got to be kidding me...

Do you know how hard it is to find something nice to wear when over the last couple months, you could've care less? Well, let me tell you... it's tough! I knew I would never hear the end of it from my mom if I came over all nice and comfy. So, I did my best to look more put together than I normally would when I go see her. I slipped on an old sun dress I'd found in the back of the closet, slapped on some mascara and chap stick, put on my flip flops, and headed out the door.

Mom's new place in Kennebunkport was gorgeous, in fact it was the same house that we would drive by and admire as a child. It was two story Victorian, covered in wooden panels, what were whitened and weathered from the ocean air. As I parked in the driveway there was already a car sitting in the driveway. It was a nice car, nothing to fancy, but not an old clunker either, so I guess there was still hope that this guy wasn't a complete loser.

I knocked on the door, when Antonio opened it, looking like he was in an 80′s gangster movie. "Ciao belle Gabby! So glad you made it over." He said, loudly. Then kissed both sides of my face. "Your mama is in the living room waiting for you." He then told me as I walked in.

"Okay, thanks." I answered making my way to see her.

"You want something to drink?" He asked.

"Ah, sure..."

"Well, what do you want?" He chuckled.

"Whatever will put me out of my misery the quickest." I mumbled.

As soon as I got to the hallway, my hands started to sweet. I hate meeting new people, especially men. This would be the tenth guy my mom would've tried to set me up with, and let's just say what she thinks is sexy... it's the furthest thing imaginable from what I think.

So as I turned the corner and prepared to meet the next Paulie Bleaker she's picked out for me, I was delightful surprise to see my mom's best friend instead. "Oh my gosh Rosalie, I haven't seen you in forever!" I laughed as she got up from her seat to come and give me a big hug.

"I know, it's got to be at least five to six years now." Rosalie smiled.

"At least. So, what brings you to Kennebunkport?" I asked taking a seat on the sofa.

"I offered her a job." My told me.

"Really?" I asked truing to Rosalie.

"Well, since Tom passed, I've been having a hard time moving on. So when she asked if I wanted to go to Italy and help her start the next part of her company, I couldn't see why not. It might just be the change I need." She smiled.

Tom was Rosalie's husband of almost forty years. He passed away two years ago. I missed the funeral because I was really sick with the flu, and the last thing I wanted to do was drive three hours to Bath, and infect everyone at the funeral.

"I think that's great! Good for you." I smiled.

"Well, Lee doesn't think it's all that great. He thinks I should move back to Biddeford to be next to my family instead in another country." She sighed.

"Okay well let me ask you this. Is Lee living in Biddeford?" I asked.

"Well, no. He's all over the word with his new line of skateboard and clothing line. Not to mention all those X-sport things he runs." She replied.

"Well, if he's off doing his own thing, why can't you be off doing your own? I mean, you only live once. Might as well enjoy the hell out of it." I winked.

"I know your right, that's why I accepted your mom's offer."

"Good, and then tell Lee to kiss your ass." I laughed.

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