Chapter 20

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Pinch me, I must be dreaming....

It was three weeks later, fourth of July weekend...It was the hottest day Maine had ever seen, okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating, but damn, it was hot out! It was ninety-eight with ninety percent humidity, and that was way out of the norm for us New Englanders. But as I sat in Brian's old Ford, with no air, I was wondering why in the hell we were going to the beach today when we could be somewhere there's air conditioning. "Why didn't you drive the minivan? That at least had air." I groaned.

"I know but Bri wanted the truck so after the fireworks tonight we could have a romantic night together." She said with a smile.

"Oh my gosh, you two are like teenagers. You want to have a romantic night in the back of some dirty old truck bed instead of a nice comfy bed? You know, your ass is going to be killing you tomorrow morning... I'm just saying." I chuckled.

"Probably, but maybe Bodhi took the scout so you could do the same thing in his." She laughed.

"Ugh... breaking in the scout is not my idea of a romantic night sweetie, maybe on the beach would be fun. Could feel kind of like a water bed." I winked.

"Figures you would go for somewhere you could get caught." She sighed.

"What, and you don't think someone could walk their ass out in the field where you two are bumping uglies?" I asked.

"Okay, okay, yes they could but..."

"But what? What are you hiding from me?" I asked squinting at her blushing cheeks.

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything but...were trying for a baby!" She shouted.

"What?! Really??" I screamed making her laugh, and then we both screamed.

"So, now you know. And if Bri wants to get his thing on in back of the Ford, then it's all good in my book." She laughed.

"Well, making a baby in the same place he took your virginity, that's definitely a whole kind of full circle of life thing that he has going on." I chuckled.

"Oh, you are some kind of strange when it comes to the way you think..." She laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a twisted fuck... sue me. But I can't wait to be a Godmother. I bet you twenty bucks baby comes out with pasty white skin, freckles, and with ginger hair." I smiled putting my arms over my head letting the hot hair dry my pits.

"We'll just see about that. The baby could come out with Frenchie brown hair and an olive complexation" She argued.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that sister." I teased, then sighed. "I can't wait to have a baby."

"Well, I'm sure your time is coming." She winked.

"One can only hope."

As we pulled off the freeway and into the little beach town, the traffic was so bad I would have sworn we were in Boston... and after the damn Ice Capades had gotten out! "Oh, this is going to be a fucking nightmare." I groaned reaching to grab a water from the cooler.

"Hey don't drink to much, its going to suck when you have to pee and we can't get to a bathroom." Stacy frowned.

"Alright mom, I'll put it away until we park... but I might be nothing more then a puddled of goo by then, just so you know." I sighed.

"By the way, love the new swim suit. So much better then you going to the beach in your ripped shorts and stained tweetie t-shirt." She giggled.

"Thank you, and yes... I actually bought a new swim suit this year." I smiled.

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