Chapter 6

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You have got to be Shitting me....

After I came home last night from Stacy's, I had a hell of a time getting to sleep. Everything that happened the day before kept playing itself over, and over, again in my head... all night long.

Have you ever have it where everything you've said or done that day kept repeating itself and you think about what you should've done, should've said, what juicy information Brian had found out, and about what, or better yet...what the hell Bodhi was going to say to me!

So when my little alarm clock struck six, I finally fell into a deep sleep. But what seemed like a minute later, my door bell rang. I looked at the clock and it said nine a.m. so I turned over in my bed hoping that if I didn't answer it, whoever was there would just go the fuck away. But like many things in my life, that didn't happen. Instead, they started to pound on my front door, and then continuously ringing my door bell. What the hell!

I took my pillow and put it over my head wondering if I should just smother myself to put me out of my misery, or go see what the asshole at my door wants... "Yeah, I'm coming damn it!" I huffed throwing the sheets off of me.

I stumbled out of bed tripping over Mr. Pickles, who then was pretty pissed off at me, then made my way down stairs to the sound of the door bell... I swear if they don't stop ringing my bell, I'm going to be breaking someones fingers!

"I'm coming! Give me a break why don't you..." I growled going to the front door. I opened it up and the morning sun hit me, and I felt like a vampire who was going to wither and parish from the ray's as my hands went up to block it. And then...

"Good Lord Gabriella, you're still in bed at this late in the morning." My mom asked.

My hand dropped as my eyes adjusted to the damn sun, and there stood my mom all prim and proper with her little pocketbook under her arm. "Holy shit mom, it's to early in the morning to be gracing me with your presence." I sighed running my hands over my face.

"Hogwash! I just had to come over after I heard the wonderful news!" She beamed at me, then she looked me over and frowned. "What on earth did you do to yourself? It looks like you dunked your face in paint, and stuck your finger in a light socket." She stated.

My shoulders dropped as she walked past me into the house. "I had a date last night mom. After that I went to Stacy's to relive the nightmare." I sighed feeling like shit, maybe I had one beer to many. "And what are you congratulating me for?" I asked going up to my bathroom.

"Who did you go out with?" She then asked.

"Just some a jack ass from Boston, why?"

"From Boston... but I thought you had a date tonight with Lee tonight. Why would you go out with some man from Boston when you have Lee wanting to take you out?" She yelled up the stairs.

Ugh, now I know the reason for the visit...

"It's not a date mom. It was more like, I'll go out with you one night if you promise to leave me the hell alone." I answered going back down stairs in my crappy summer jammies, and untidy hair... just to piss her off.

"Not a date, but he told me and Rosalie that he was taking you out to dinner. That's most definitely a date in my book" She informed me in that mom knows best tone. "And just so you know, me and Rosalie are so excited about it!"

"Mom, please don't try make this out to be more than what it is." I murmured getting my coffee pot going.

"Why not, I know for a fact that Lee really likes you. This could lead to something more serious... if you get my meaning. So what time is he picking you up?" She giggled.

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