Chapter 8

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What a damn morning...

The first day of school came, and went in a blink of an eye, and before I knew it, and the month of September was hell and gone. But even though my work life was back to normal with missed homework assignments, runny noses, and correcting papers... my love life was a whole different kind of disaster.

My computer cupid spewed out another great looking guy but, with the personality of a wet mop. I went on a date with him and found out he was a massive football fan for the New England team. Now, I love a good game as well as the next girl, but this guy came dressed to our date in all his jersey, ball cap, and jeans, with his truck was covered in bumper stickers.

When we got to talking, the only thing I think he liked about me was, I like his team, I did watch football, and I drank beer... yeah, that's it. He was really nice I will admit, but as he talked about the upcoming games this week, I saw a life of nurseries doused in football memorabilia, our kids being named after players he worshiped, and the Christmas tree in his football colors and ornaments.

So after the date, I didn't bother with a kiss, a shake of the hand, or even a high five for that matter. I paid for my dinner, waved good bye, then got in my car, and got the hell out of Dodge... again.

But it wasn't only my computer cupid who was acting like an idiot and driving me nuts, it was also the men around me. Lee had found reasons to come over to my place, with food, questions, and one time the ass even asked for a cup of sugar... what the hell was he watching, old reruns of the Brady Bunch? But I boiled it down to him wanting to be friends again, and trying hard to annoy the hell out of me.

Then there was Bodhi, gosh that man was making me nuts, but in other ways. He seemed to always find time to come over and see Brain when I was there, and I did chalk that up to Bodhi is Brain's best friend, like I was to Stacy.

Now don't get me wrong, me and Bodhi have a lot of fun together, but in all honesty, it was really hard for me to keep my feeling in check when he was a round and remember that we were just friends... and why is that? Well, because all I wanted to do was strip him naked, lick every part of that smokin' hot body, throw him on my bed, and do some really kinky ass shit to him!

Hey, you can't blame me, am I right?

My dreams now were filled with a certain yummy man, working on motorcycles, shirtless, and I had just walked in to his shop, just about ready to pounce on him... when an annoying buzzing sounded, and then I opened my eyes and tuned over to my alarm clock. "Oh, you're such a bitch, you know that." I murmured as I hit snooze.

My eyes started to shut again, and I hoped my mind would go right back to where the dream left off, when a clap of thunder made my house shake and a flash of lighting lit up my bedroom. "Damn that was close..." I sighed getting out of bed to see how bad it was outside.

When I got the window and opened the curtain, the sky had deiced it didn't want not to just rain, but to pour freaking buckets. "Wow, it's raining so hard I could just go outside to take a shower." I murmured.

My hands ran over my face to wake up, as the sky's rumbled, and walked my ass into the bathroom to get a hot shower before my day begins. "I guess I can pick up where I left off in my dream tonight." I sighed.

I stood under the scorching hot water until my skin looked as red as a lobster, then shaved, washed, and the last thing was, I started to shampoo my hair. Everything was fine, until it sounded like my house was collapsing... when the power went out, my hair fully lathered up with shampoo. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me?!" I hissed trying to rinse out what I could before the water was gone.

Now for those of you who live in a city, you might not understand the significance of what the power going out means to those of us who live in the country, and don't have city water. So, let me explain it to you. If you're taking a shower and the power goes off... you're seriously fucked!

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