Chapter 2

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Why me...

Trying to go any were in the town of Old Orchard Beach during the summer time, was a complete nightmare. It is your typical tourist town, you know, has a boardwalk, rides, and great food, which you puke up when you go on the rides. And on gorgeous days like today, everyone and their mother comes here... even the locals, and just like everything else in a small town full of a gazillion people... finding parking was going to suck balls!

Anything that was close to the beach, or at least a reasonable distance, was hell and gone. So, I drove around, not seeing anything at all, and made my way to the back forty. After dodging people walking, skating, and walking their dogs, I saw a parking lot with a big plywood sign that said Available, in big, sloppy, blue writing. "Hey... what's the price?" I asked getting my purse.

"Twenty..." Said the pimple faced pubescent.

"Holy shit, twenty dollars? But I'm a good seven to eight blocks away from the beach?" I argued.

"If you don't want it, then I'm sure the guy behind you will take it." The kid smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You don't have to be a shit about it." I mumbled under my breath.

I pulled the twenty from my wallet and handed it to him and then went to find my spot, which was in the back forty, of the back forty... great! I got out of my car, snatching the cooler from the backseat, straitened the oversized t-shirt over my ass, and sighed before making the trek to the strip.

When I finally made it through all the annoying happy people having fun around me to the beach, I was a hot, sweaty mess. I started walking looking around for Brian's goofy beach umbrella, when I saw Stacy's bright red hair, and a hand waving. Her poor Irish skin was already beat red from the sun, as she made her way over to me.

I smiled more than a little happy to see her, but that's when I noticed Brian was laughing with some guy under the John Deer umbrella, when they both looked my way. "Just freaking great!" I mumbled making my way through all the people laying on the sand. "Hey guys...well, I made it."

"Where have you been? We've been waiting almost a half an hour you now?" Stacy snapped taking me by the arm and pulling under the shade.

"Do you know how hard it is to find parking if you're not here at freaking eight a.m.? I had to walk a mile to get here." I sighed.

Brain got up giving Stacy her bottle of SPF 10,000, and then his friend got up as well. "You remember Bodhi, right Gabby." The ass winked at me.

Holy shit, did I remember Bodhi Lyons, really?

You see Stacy and Brian had been an item since they were in second grade... I swear to you, the second grade. Then there was me and Stacy, and we've been BFF's since kindergarten, and well, Bodhi has been Brian's since they learned to walk. So wherever Stacy and Brain were... me and Bodhi were with them.

Bodhi and I had this love hate relationship... we hated each other, but loved to annoy the shit out of each other as well. He didn't hang out at our lunch table or anything though, even though everyone knew Bri was his best friend. And why was that you might be asking... well because Bodhi was not only the hottest thing in city of Biddeford, he was also the High school star quarterback, track star, auto shop junkie/guru, and all-around heartthrob for every girl in town... except for Stacy.

But right after our graduation, Bodhi just up and disappeared like a fart in the wind. No one really knew what happened to him. There was talk that he joined the military, maybe took a scholarship, while others said he moved to Fiji to be a beach bum and surf. Me, I thought he just wanted to get the hell out of Maine and go see the world... and I couldn't fault him for that.

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