Chapter 13

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Christmas trees, twinkle lights, and a smokin' hot man...

Despite the Thanksgiving debacle, Stacy was still at my door at three in the morning waking my ass up so we could hit the mall for the big Black Friday shopping day. But when I woke up instead of Bodhi lying next to me, I was tucked into my bed and alone. "Damn it Gabby, you're such a dip shit." I sighed to myself.

I just wasn't into the craziness of Black Friday this year. Normally, I love people watching... I mean on a day like today, people go freakin' nuts and it was hilarious! But this morning, I was out to help Stacy shop in body only, because mentally, I was reliving yesterday over, and over again... and how I let my man go home, without me getting laid!

I was gone all morning, and late into the afternoon, before Stacy dropped my ass off at home. Once I was in the safety of my house, I clicked on the stereo turning on some Christmas music, stripped out of my fancy going out cloths, and put on my favorite sweats, ready to relax. Switching on my computer, I got ready to get back to work on my book, but then thought I should call Bodhi to see if maybe he would want to go out to dinner with me instead.

The coffee was brewing, and I was just worked up the courage to give my man a call when I heard a loud, strange, honk come from outside. I ran to the front door and when I opened it, there was the puke green scout pulling up out front, with a huge Christmas tree strapped to the top.

Bodhi stepped out in his jeans, work boots, and a lumberman jack jacket, and my mouth went dry on just how sexy this man was. "You were a damn fool not to jump that last night!" I murmured as I waved hi and walked out to meet him.

"Hey Teach, I thought I would surprise my girl with a fresh cut tree." He smiled taking the tree from the top.

"Oh my gosh, it's been forever since I've had a really tree." I laughed as I went over to take a look. "It's beautiful, thank you so much." I smiled hugging him.

I got on my tippy toes giving him a kiss when his arm went around my waist pulling me close and groaned before we stopped. "I'm not going to be good for too long if you keep that up." He glowed, making me look up into those baby blues and I'm sure flushing a crimson red. "Don't worry Teach, I won't start anything in the front yard, but once were in the house... that's a whole other story."

"Um, okay..." I whispered needing to start fanning myself, again.

"Why don't you show me where you want the tree." Bodhi winked as he picked it up and walked towards the house.

I went to the corner I normally place my plastic tree. "I usually put the tree here." I pointed.

He placed it where I wanted and then turned it to the find the best side. "Looks good to me, what do you think?"

"I think it looks perfect." I nodded.

"Do you have ornaments?" He then asked.

"Yeah, down in the basement. I'll go get them." I smiled.

"I'll help." He offered opening the door for me.

Soon the front room was scattered with old boxes and all my mom's old Christmas ornaments and decorations from when I was just a kid. That made me all nostalgic, because that's when I got the bright idea of popping up popcorn for garland. I dug out my old air popper when Bodhi called for me. "Hey Teach, can you come here for a minute."

"Yeah..." I hollered back, then walked into the front room only to see at least a dozen or so of the twinkle lights plugged in... but every damn string only had half of the lights working! "What the hell?" I sighed picking up Mr. Pickles, who was batting at the end of one of the light strings.

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