Chapter 16

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Oh, no he F@ing didn't....

Have you ever had it that once you find out something or have an questions that is nagging at you, you want the answers not tomorrow, not a couple hours from now, but right freaking now! Well, that was where I was after Lee showed up at my front door hinting at little innuendos that man was up to something bad.

So once I made up my mind that I was heading to Arizona, I got down to business. I called work and told them there was a family emergency, texted Stacy that my mom needed my help and I'll be away for a couple days, also that I'm getting on a plane so my cell would be off and I'll text her later.

The next thing was Bodhi. I swear my hands were shaking when I texted him the same thing I did Stace... I was going full on Magnum PI to see if what that jack ass Lee said was true or not. But for me to make sure Lee was full of shit, I had to have everyone in the dark on what I was doing. Hey, I know what I'm doing, alright?

I packed up my duffle bag, making sure I threw in my silky nighty, and a couple pairs of jeans, t-shirts, and one nice outfit for the grand opening, and threw the bag in back of my car, and got myself ready to leave for my red eye... when it started snowing. "Just my fucking luck! Thank you fate, yeah, just thanks a fucking lot." I sighed giving my middle finger to the windshield, and I guess to the sky.

Now for those of you who live in places where you only have pretty much spring and summer, let me tell you... snow sucks ass! Oh, don't get me wrong, when it's Christmas time and you have a white Christmas, it's magical. But every other freaking day of the year... it can just go the hell away!

So, now I'm driving what should be a thirty minute drive to the jet port, with big wet blobs dropping onto my windshield while me, and a couple other cars, followed behind the only plow on a three lane freeway... great, just freaking great!

Once I got to the airport, checked in, and was finally called for boarding, what they brought me to I would not consider even an air plane, it looked like a dust cropped if you asked me, and they wanted my ass to get in it, in a snow storm... yeah, so this was how my flights was going to be, got it.

Now anyone who knows me, knows that I hate flying. Well actually, hate wouldn't be a strong enough of a word, maybe despised, or loathed would be a better fit, so in other words, I don't fly, ever. I mean, that's why the good Lord gave us automobiles, right? So, when the flight attendant asked us all our weight, or real weight that is, so she could properly distribute us on the plane... I swear to everything that is holy, a was either going to scream like a freaking lunatic, turn tail and run, or smack the bitch for explaining what will happen if I didn't give her my real weight!

So after the adventure on the hoper plane, I got off at Newark, and was placed on a normal decent size air plane, and you'd think that would be a good thing right? Yeah, have you not seen my luck... I found myself puking in the make shift barf bags form all the damn turbulence only an hour in from the flight... oh, it was quite a sight to behold, let me tell you.

That was the longest five and a half hours of my life, and then just when I think I was home free because we were going to land... the fucking plan pulled back up and circled Phoenix, twice! I swear when my feet touched solid ground I could've fallen to my knees and kissed the damn tarmac.

It was a little after six in the morning central time, so that means it was eight back east, when I finally made it to my hotel and got into my room. I knew I had to text Stacy or she'd have a meltdown worrying about me, but I decided to just text Bodhi the same thing so he wouldn't get worried either and start calling around...

The flight sucked, was sick the whole time. Going to get a couple hours of sleep before the candle cutting extravaganza... text you when I'm done. XOXO

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