Chapter 19

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Why isn't there a cure for stupid....

Life inevitably rolls on in the little city of Biddeford and soon it was June. This year, as luck would have it, we didn't have a sickening amount of snow days this winter, and that meant... school vacation was going to start in the beginning of June and not the end of it. Yay! And for an added bonus, this month was in the low eighty's and not the mid-sixties, that's what we Mainers call a heat wave people. Normally in June I'm still in my freaking sweatpants, sweatshirts, with socks on my feet, instead of my flip-flops.

It was only a couple days after the, Big Lee fiasco, that Bodhi decided that he was done living in his studio apartment and instead wanted to stay with me, at my place, from now on... or in other words, move in.

That was a really big step for me, I don't believe in just moving in with someone, that could lead to epic problems in my book! I'd rather be married before we live together... okay I know that's wickedly old fashion, and it's just a piece of paper and all, but hey, that's just the way I roll!

Now he didn't really ask me if he could move in or not, he just stripped naked, pulled me into the shower, and started washing my body... wait a minute, maybe he did ask. I mean, I remember him whispering things as his lips caressed my skin as he pushed his hard, sexy, soapy body up against mine, making me lose any scene I had, and saying yes to everything and anything he wanted. Yeah, okay, so he did ask, and apparently, I said yes.

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

The next day, after I came home from school, Bodhi's bike was in the garage, and then he pulled up out front in the scout, taking out a box full of cloths, some toiletries, and a computer. After that, I went upstairs and made room for him in my closet and dresser drawers to make this man a permanent fixture in my life from morning till hot, erotic, navy seal, steamy, romance novel, night.

But it was the last day of school when I got some good news. I was told by Linda that Jason was moving back home to Denver, and then to make my day even more fucking awesome, Missy just so happened to take a job in York and wouldn't be back next year. I was going to be red headed dick sucker free, and asshole free...YES! I felt like my life had just come full circle, and fate wasn't being a raging bitch to me anymore.

When I was finished cleaning out my classroom I pulled up into my driveway and saw a big sold sign in Lee's front yard. "Well I'll be damned, it finally sold." I chuckled shutting the car door.

As I was getting my things out of the back of the car, when I heard a door shut and looked up to see Lee with two big duffels bags in his hands. He stopped when he saw me, and then grinned... the ass. "You got something to say?" I snapped, with a bit of a smart ass attituded in it.

"Yeah, actually I do." He said throwing his bags in the trunk, slamming the door, and then started coming my way... amazingly, or should I say stupidly.

I placed my box in the back seat and shook my head. "What in the hell are you smoking Lee? If Bodhi even sees you in the front yard, he's going to lose his shit on your ass, again!" I warned.

"Are you going to tattle on me?" He chuckled, the ass.

"Yeah, maybe I will." I hissed as he stood in front of me, and I mean like toe to toe, I think I was in shock, complete udder shock of the pair of balls this man had.

"I'm heading back home Gabz, I was hoping that you'd be with me when I left, but since you're not... I just wanted you to know that if you ever need anything, anything at all, I'll be there for you." He murmured with complete sincerity in his eyes.

I looked up at him as his head started to dip down, like he was coming in for a kiss... and started laughing my ass off! "OMG, you are something else, you know that!"

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