Chapter 17

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Same old shit, just another day. I wish....

After finding out that my man was nothing more than a lying son of a bitch man whore, I went straight to my hotel room, made a couple calls, and then got my ass on the first airplane that would get me out of Arizona and back home to my beloved freezing ass state of Maine! And when my ass got home, I texted Stacy I was home and not to come over, that I would call her when I was ready to talk. Then turned off my cell and then tried to detox the whole damn weekend.

There was only one jack ass that showed up knocking on my door, and no, it isn't the man you're thinking of, it was Lee. He'd knock, then try to get me to open the door for him so we could talk about what happened. But what this dip shit didn't understand was... I didn't want to think about what had happened, let alone talk about it! But after the fifth time showing up at my place, I think he finally got the hint that I didn't want to talk after I ignored his ass, again.

Ugh... I just wanted this weekend to be over with so I could go to work and forget about everything, but it felt like it was never going to end. There is nothing better to help a person forget about their troubles then having to teach a class full of ten year old's. Honestly, you're lucky to keep your sanity after a day with them, so there's no room to think about your broken heart.

When Monday morning came around I switched on my cell in the morning, and the damn thing started ringing, again! Bodhi had not only filled up my in box where no one could leave me a damn message, but was doing some insane call bombing where my cell would ring every fifteen freaking minutes! And it continued the rest of the day and then the next day, and the next, and yup you guessed it, the fucking next day as well!

When Thursday rolled around, I was just about at my wits end, so when my cell vibrated on my desk before class started... I answered it. "Quit calling me already. I don't want to talk to you!" I hissed, and then hung up again before he had a chance to talk, and fell back into my seat. "What is this, some sort of military tactic to break me or something?" I sighed.

The bell rang and I got up to get the class, but first threw the cell in my desk drawer to help ignore the vibrating pest, and then went to get the class in and start my day. When the damn phone started vibrating every five minutes, I opened the draw to make sure it wasn't my mom or Stacy... but it was Bodhi, again.

I shut the drawer, shook my head and then went back to the white board to write this week's spelling words, when there was a knock on my door. I glanced up expecting to see Linda, the school secretary, coming to tell me a student needed to be excused or something, but of course it wasn't... it was Bodhi!!!

What should I do? Do I continue to ignore his ass, do I call for someone to escort his ass off campus so he'd just leave me alone? But then he held up his cell, and I knew he wasn't going to leave until he talked to me... I closed my eyes, trying like hell not to have my truck drivers mouth not go into extreme over drive in a room full of ten-year old's, and walked over to the door. "Alright class, finish your reading assignment and then start on the worksheet. I will be right back." I told them, and when I saw them relatively quiet, I made my way out of the room.

I shut the door behind me and looked up and down the hallway making sure the red headed dick sucker was nowhere to be found, and then glared at the man who I wanted to go full MMA on. "What the hell are you doing here, I'm at work Bodhi!" I hissed in a very, very, low voice.

"Damn it sweetheart, I just need to talk to you. This is all a big misunderstanding..." He started to explain, when the door opened and a little head popped out.

"Miss. Goodwin, I'm not feeling so good. My stomach really hurts." Little Ryan came to tell me.

"Okay, just give me one minute and I'll write you a note to the nurses office." I smiled, when he nodded and shut the door, it was time to deal with the man in front of me. "Look, I've got to go, I've got class right now... I don't have time for this!" I growled starting to leave, when he took my arm to stop me.

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