Chapter 7

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Why the hell did I agree to this...

My day had been something out of the Twilight Zone, and it wasn't even over yet. Having to deal with Gail first thing in the morning, hearing Christy's psychobabble, and then Missy, holy hell, I was still in disbelief that she could even show her face to me, let alone ask me about Lee... does the woman have no shame!

When I pulled into my driveway and saw Lee's car, I swear it took everything I had not to walk next door and cancel our dinner for tonight. But if I did just that, that would mean Gail would soon be at my door with all her motherly outrage. And in all honesty, I would rather go out with Lee for one night then deal with my mother's mouth. Not only that, but if I canceled on Lee, the ass would never leave me alone again.

So even though my day had sucked old man balls, when seven rolled around, I went upstairs to get ready for my date with Lee. At eight on the nose there was a knock on my front door, and with a sigh I to answer it and get ready for a long ass night, to go with my long ass day.

When I opened the door, I was really surprised that Lee had really cleaned up for this tonight. He didn't have a hat on, he was wearing I nice shirt, and his beard was trimmed. Where I, on the other hand, just put on some mascara, Chapstick... and none stained clothing. "Well you clean up nicely." I smiled shutting the door.

"I'm glad you think so. And you're looking pretty good yourself." He offered.

"Well thanks... I put on mascara tonight, so you must rate pretty highly with me." I laughed walking across the yard to his car. "So, are you staying at your moms house now?" I asked hoping for one answer, knowing I was going to get the opposite.

"Yeah, I've got a couple months until the next big tournament, and I can do the rest from home. This way I can help sell the house when moms in Italy with Gail." He explained opening the door for me to get in. After he got in on the other side, he started the car, and glanced over at me. "So, I heard you went a date the other night." He stated.

"How the hell did you know... mom." I sighed.

"I also heard it didn't go quite as you expected." He replied.

"That wasn't the half of it. But my computer cupid has only two more tries to get this shit right. After that I'm giving it the big heave ho." I shrugged.

"Maybe you won't even need to go out on those dates anymore..." He winked.

I was about to give him a smart ass remark but, I looked into those hazel green eyes and lost myself, for a minute, then shook my head. "Ugh, don't even start with me. My day was a nightmare, and I don't need you making it go all Freddy Krueger on me."

"So brutal..." He chuckled.

"Yeah, but you're the dumb ass coming around asking for the abuse." I laughed, and he laughed with me.

"Okay, I'll give you that one."

I looked around and felt the leather and chuckled under my breath. "Nice car by the way."

"Are you saying that to be a smart ass, or do you really like it?" He asked in that oh so Lee manner.

"No, I think it's beautiful car, but I liked your old truck better." I shrugged.

"Yeah, I liked my truck to, especially the back." He smirked giving me that look.

"Are you referring to you and me and what we did in the back of your truck... or the dozens of other girls that you nailed in the back?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Alright, you win. I swear I'll behave myself... and not talk about all the times I've gotten into your pants." He chuckled as we drove.

"You're such an ass." I growled.

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