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And it continues...

It was a beautiful day in Portland as I sat in a bakery with my best friend Stacy, who just so happened to be six weeks pregnant... and sick as a dog. You see, Bodhi and I are have having what some might call a speedy wedding, so I'm trying to get everything done in five months. Did I tell you that I don't do time frames well?

Well Stacy, A.K.A. the woman who created the list, has informed me that she will make sure I have the best wedding ever, so yeah... she has pretty much taken over, and I'm fine with it. We have got the church, the preacher, and the flowers, We are disagreeing about the dress, but now it was time for something that she was going to have a hard time stomaching, literally... the food!

Yet here we are sitting in this posh looking cake shop, looking at these designer cakes, while Stacy is green and sipping on a ginger ale like a trooper. I told her that I had no problem with getting a wedding cake from the grocery store... and the look that I got from her was priceless. So here we are picking out some fancy-smancy cake and all I'm thinking is... I'm basically getting the one that doesn't make her lose her cookies all over the reception hall floor at this point.

Round one of the cakes had come and gone, and there was all but one cake that didn't have her hand flying over her mouth and not turn green, the banana chocolate... which wasn't my fave by any means. So, when the lady brought in the next batch and I crossed my fingers that she could handle a cake that I actually liked, and wouldn't make her hurl.

They were all looked gorgeous, but the Kahlua and cream one was calling my name. "How are you feeling?" I asked reaching over to the ooey-gooey looking bit of heaven.

"Okay, I just can't believe how sick I am." She sighed taking the carrot cake making me cringe, I hate carrot cake.

"Well this sickness thing is something I'm not going to be looking forward to." I mumbled taking a bite... and OMG, loving it!

"Ha, ha, ha... I bet you have it worse." She grumbled going to take a bite and dropping the fork before it even got to her mouth. Yes, carrot cake is out bitches! She pushed the plate away and eyed another cake and then... "Have you called your mom to let her know that you're getting married."

I slumped back in my chair not wanting to think about Gail at the moment. "No I didn't call her, but I did send her an invitation." I shrugged.

"Okay, but did you hear back from her?" Stacy asked, like she was my mother.

"And that would be a negative..." I sighed.

"Do you think she's still pissed?"

"This is Gail were talking about here... of course she's pissed. But I'm hoping that she'll get over it before the wedding and at least show up." I shrugged.

"But the wedding is only in a couple weeks! Oh my gosh Gabby, don't you want your mom to walk you down the aisle? Wait, oh my gosh, who's going to walk you down the aisle!?" She exclaimed with raging pregnant hormones in maximum over drive!

"Geesh Stace, relax a little will yah, you're going to make yourself sick. Look I sent her an invite, and I thought that was pretty damn nice of me. If she can't learn to accept that Bodhi's going to be my husband, then she doesn't need to come." I explained, but not even telling Stacy just how much that hurt. So instead, I took a bite of a lemon cake not wanting to say anything more on the subject, but wasn't diggin' the cake at all. "But I did take your advice on something."

"Oh yeah, what?" She asked going for the Kahlua cake, and I was crossing my fingers hoping she could keep it down.

"I sent in my book about me and my dad to a couple publishers." I offered.

"No way. You did?"

"Yup, I figured I'd go big or go home." I shrugged.

"Hear anything yet?" She asked taking another bite of the cake... yes!

"No, but I really don't plan to... but in saying that, I think we found the cake. Boohyah!" I smiled.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Stacy mumbled.

"Of course."

"Are you going to stay in Maine?"

"Of course I am... why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering is all." Was all she offered.

"Well don't worry chickie, I'm not going anywhere. We are still going to see each other every other day, are kids are going to grow up together, and we'll be old foul mouthed memere's together, trying to wear hip clothes and embarrassing the hell out of our children!" I laughed getting her to smile.

"Okay, okay, those were pregnancy hormones talking, not me." She said wiping tears from her eyes.

"Are you crying?" I asked.

"No, well, yes, oh damn it, I didn't mean to!" She laughed.

"Oh my gosh, you're scaring the shit out of me woman. Come on let's go feed you and my Godchild before you have a full-blown melt down on my ass, and the day isn't even done yet." I laughed going over to the counter to order the cake with a shake of my head.

"Oh shut the hell up." She laughed and then... "Where's the bathroom!" She shouted at the poor girl at the counter, who went pale, and quickly pointed over behind the side wall.

I watched her run faster then I'd ever seen her run in my life and bit my lip not to laugh... "Don't worry about her, she just pregnant... and I'll take the Kahlua and cream cake please.

Let me tell you, this shit was getting interesting!

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