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I turned around and looked at the clock, it's 9am and I'm still lying in bed. I groaned at myself and stood up to take a shower.
"How did I sleep so much knowing that there's work to do?" I say to myself mentally.
Turning around I saw my 10year old sister Meelah sleeping peacefully. "I'd wake you up when I finish taking my shower" I say heading to the bathroom and took a 30mins shower.

"Meelah!!!" I say patting her back
"What??" She snapped back.  This girl is so rude!
"Wake up its almost 10am and you know we have to give a helping hand down stairs" I said making my way to the closet!

I turned to looked at her again she's sitting and dozing up again "Meelah you better wake up before I pour water on you" I chuckled knowing how much she hates that.
"Ohhh! I'm up Leenah" she says standing up abruptly.
"Better" I whispered!

'We have to make arrangements for my Sister's wedding that's in a week time. I'm like her best friend and have to be in charge of almost everything.'

After much staring into my closet I finally pulled out a mint green fitted gown that Fits me perfectly!
I applied a little make up and and decided to call my man Ameer
Yes! I do have a man!

"Hey baby" I yell over the phone

"Hi cutie, do you have to yell" he says calmly.

"Sorry, why didn't you call me? I over slept today totally forgetting about Aleeya's wedding arrangements" I say pouting.

"I was busy, How're you?"

"I am fine, how's work hope you've eaten?" I ask concerned

"Yes baby I have, now go give a helping hand I have to go, make sure you eat! Bye!"

"Alright hun, take care" with that, he hung up.

I then decided to text my best friend she needs to be here, I can't do all what's expected of me alone!

"Hey girl! Why and how are you still not here? You know I can't do all this without you... be here soon please!"

I sent the message, kept the phone and headed downstairs I saw mum in the living room having some talks with 2 of Aleeya's friends. I walked into the living room and pecked mum on her cheeks.

"Greetings mum, how're you?"
"I'm fine dear, you're up late"
"Yes mum, I didn't sleep early" I say smiling.
"Okay go get something to eat and help with some things" with that she headed towards Dad's room... guess she's done talking to Aleeya's friends

I turned and muttered Hi to Aleeya's friends
"Hi Leenah, you look gorgeous" they all said in unison
"Thank you and you guys also look awesome" I said with a wink
"By the way where's Aleeya?" They asked
"Ohh you guys didn't even see her?" I asked acting surprised
"Yes" They all retorted
Hearing their response, I headed to her room and saw she her with Juliet (spa girl)  I walked in and ran towards Aleeya engulfing her into a hug "hey ugly sis" I say teasingly.
"Hey monkey" she say eyeing me
I smiled and pulled Juliet's cheeks "hiii mamasita"
"Arrgg! Leenah, you like disturbing people" she say focusing in what she's doing.

I just smile and let it slide

"Sis Aleeya your friends are waiting for you downstairs" I say
"Why didn't they come in?" She asks
"No idea, lemme go get 'em.... bye monkeys" I said and headed out!

As I made my way downstairs, I couldn't help but feel my stomach grumble. "Yo cuties, your friend is upstairs in her room, beautifying herself. She still looks like a lizard, though," I quipped, trying to lighten the mood. Aleeya's friends laughed at my silly joke before heading upstairs, while I headed towards the kitchen.

I was greeted by an array of delicious foods, and I wasn't sure if it was breakfast or lunch time. I decided to go with pancakes and shredded chicken soup, and sat down on the kitchen island to enjoy my meal. As I was finishing up, I noticed our maid, Binta, watching me with a smile on her face.

"What's up, Binta?" I asked politely, knowing that she preferred to be called by her name.

"You eat way too much, my child," she replied with a smile.

"It's my breakfast. Is there anything I can help with?" I offered.

"No, everything has been done. We're just expecting some guests," Binta replied.

"I see," I said, placing my plate in the sink and grabbing a glass of water. I was about to make my way out of the kitchen when I was startled by a loud shout.


I jumped out of fear, and my eyes landed on Najma, my best friend. "Najma, what the heck was that? You scared me!" I complained, trying to catch my breath.

Completely ignoring my statement, Najma exclaimed, "Oh my gosh! You look hot, babe! Look at you... wow, wow, wow!" She was such a drama queen.

"I know," I grinned, dragging her along with me. "What can I help with, Leenah?" she asked.

"We have to go pick up Aleeya's clothes from the fashion designer, shop for some shoes and bags for me, and contact the caterers to let them know what's been chosen," I replied.

"You can do all that yourself, girl!" Najma faked a pout.

"No, I can't," I said firmly.

I went straight to my mom and told her we were heading out. I also stopped by to greet my dad and grabbed some cash for our shopping trip. As I grabbed my phone, I noticed Meelah, my sister busy on her laptop. I rolled my eyes and dashed out with Najma, ready to get everything done.

The ride to the designer's place was quiet, so I decided to start a conversation. "Najma, you know what?" I began.

"You want to get married?" she asked, sounding happy.

"Be serious," I said, rolling my eyes at her. "Go on," she urged.

"I think Ameer, my boyfriend, is being distant. We don't communicate like we used to, and he's stopped calling me like he used to. It's been like this for over a month now," I explained, feeling concerned.

"He's probably just busy. Or, I don't know. You know I never liked your man," Najma replied, her dislike for Ameer clear in her voice. "I feel like he doesn't love you enough."

"Yeah, I don't know what's up with him. He doesn't even tell me he loves me anymore, and when I say it to him, he doesn't respond," I added, feeling frustrated.

"Leenah, just try and talk to him. Maybe you've done something unknowingly to upset him," Najma suggested.

"I'll try doing that again," I said, forcing a smile. I was determined to figure out what was going on with Ameer and fix whatever was causing the distance between us.

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