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2months later...
A lot had happened in the last two months. I have only seen Noor thrice in 2months. I complained and people are telling me that I am even lucky to have seen him. 'Seriously?!'
I stopped working at the company as Noor doesn't want me to work under him but rather start up my own business. He said he'd help me in building my restaurant or any other thing I want.

Saheel had left but he'd be coming by to see Azra. They've been engaged also but her mum wants her to finish school first before she gets married.

Najma and Imran are also engaged and the date is 3months from now. Which means 2months after I become a mrs.

Juliet (the spa girl) has been doing some weird things to my body. The same that has been done to my sister, Aleeya. My body is all smooth and I am glowing and sparkling like a diamond.

"This is the 4th thing you're applying to her face" Meelah say to Juliet.

'Meelah's school is on holiday so, she's back.'
"Yes, we have to make her face as smooth as ever" she says focusing more on the work.
"Or burn it up right?" I ask sarcastically making us burst into some series of laughters.

"It's not even though. I don't even know why I have to go through this torture" I say sighing annoyingly.
"You'll get to know" Juliet says while Meelah just shrugged he shoulders and leave the room.

My phone rang for the the 4th time and each time it rings, I take a guess and I know my instincts are right.
    He had been calling but I ignored. I don't even know why but I don't even feel like talking to him.

"Hi baby" he says softly immediately I answered the call.
"Hi handsome" I say smiling
"Why weren't you picking up my calls?" He asks

"My body was being beautified. You're making me go through so much torture" I say whining
"I believe it's a must for women so be patient. Can't wait to have a glimpse of you" he says sweetly.

"After all the pictures you're making me take?" I ask not believing him.
"Not enough" he says
"Then?" I ask
"Want to see you and feel you when it is official" he say chuckling.
"Naughty, naughty!" I teased
"C'mon... you'd be my wife by then" he says.
By God's Grace.." I mutter happily.

"Okay. Have to go now... take care of you. I love you" he say as sweet as he is.
"Take care also. I love you too baby" I say and hang up.

There was a Saying that "when the husband and wife are close to getting married, they fight for no reason" not really fight but they barely talk and both get angry for no reason.
I always argue with Aleeya saying I'd never do that but it's now happening!

Juliet finished doing her magic on my body while I went and take a nice hot shower and put on something comfy.

I still can't believe that I will be getting married in less than a month and I'll finally be with the man I love.

My phone starts ringing and I thought it was Noor but it wasn't. It's a number that looks familiar. I picked up the call and waited for the person to start talking first
"Hello??" The person says from the other line.

"Ameer? You?!" I ask surprised after my brain sends me the message of whom the voice belongs to.

"Yeah, Leenah heard you are getting married. I know you don't want this and you still love me" he says in a low voice.
"Hahaha, You think? For your information Ameer, I've been over you for a long time and I must say that I am surprised that you still haven't moved on Or should I say you don't want me to?" I say with a scoff.
"It's not like that. I love you Leenah I know I have fucked up but..." he started but I cut him off
"It's too late" I say and hang up

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