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4days passed by, Saheel and I are just being good to each other. He is really a good guy like he was before he left for school. And he has decided to stay a little longer with us. Guess he said that cause of Azra. 'Yes,Azra! I don't know what she is doing.'

Azra has been visiting this house, she spends most of her time here and I couldn't be happier cause she gets along with Saheel more than I do since when she finds out that he was the same guy that saved her from some bad boys when they went on Vacation to Bali.

Najma has accepted Imran's proposal while I on the other hand tried my very best to avoid Noor at work. I still haven't said anything to him but my feelings are getting stronger. I know what love is but I didn't like my last experience. I don't know how to go about this, how to tell my parents that I and Saheel don't click.

I want to give Noor a chance. I want to give him the experience that he wouldn't regret. Want to make him feel what genuine love is. I can't deny my feelings anymore, I can't overlook them.

"Let's go out for lunch" Azra's voice bring me out of my trance.
"Yeah sure!" Saheel retorted to her
"Leenah, let's go" she says

I went to get ready and we all went towards the car. I insisted that Azra sits in the front she obliged after some tries before we drove off.
Saheel isn't a bad guy. He hasn't changed from the guy I used to know, just his looks and accent. So, I don't mind Azra being so close to him at all and everything looks fishy, with all that she's doing... I just hope it's something good.

We arrived at a Chinese restaurant and we all made our way in.
Actually I feel like a third wheel. Azra grabbed my hands dragging me to the corner spot. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Noor there busy on his phone. I looked at Azra questionably and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"Hi bro thanks for coming" she says 'okay, seriously?'

He smiles at her and muttered "hi" to me
"Hi" I say looking away
He didn't say anything to Saheel but he greeted ignoring his attitude.

The waiter approached us and take in our orders.
"So... when are you guys getting married?" Noor asks looking at me.
"Soon" Saheel answered
"Good" Noor say looking straight into my eyes without looking away.

"Why Don't we talk about something else?" Azra say smiling
"Right! Do that and I'll be right back" I say heading to the restroom. I need to calm me down as my heart is pounding.

Noor's POV
Saheel and Azra kept talking nonstop. I wonder what's going on between those two.
Saheel's phone started ringing and he excused himself.
"What's going on with you guys? Him...?!" I ask.

"I'm doing this for you" she says looking at her phone.
"What do you mean?" I ask

The waiter came back putting out orders down.

"I want to get his mind diverted from Leenah and guess what? It's working cause he doesn't have feelings for her as she's family" she says exhaling
"What?! Are you mad?! What if he falls for you? I am not this selfish Azra, You Don't have to do that and leave everything to me" I say harshly.

Leenah came back and sat down quietly

"You never appreciate my efforts" she scoffs
"Is everything ok?" Lee asks
"Yeah!" I answer!immediately

Saheel came back also and we all ate while they kept conversing. Great! Now they're all ignoring me!
We finished eating and I ask Leenah to come with me.

"Leenah, you can go with him while Saheel drops me off" Azra chipped in
"Ok" I retorted and get in the car with Noor.

"Lee,why are you avoiding me?" He asks
"I'm not avoiding you" she says looking out of the window.

"Then what was that? Do you know how hard it is for me? You send Jasmine over to our meetings saying you not well, can't make it and I don't want to force you" I say trying to keep my voice down.

"You see... I don't know how to go about this" she says softly.
"I'll have to talk to your parents then. I know you love me. Why can't you say it out" I ask pulling over.

"Why did you park" she asks not looking at me
"Don't try to change the topic, look at me Lee" I say my with my voice husky.

She looks up at me and I saw her eyes red and teary
"Don't start now" I warned.
She say nothing and kept fidgeting with her fingers.

"Do you love me?" I ask.

She say nothing and look out of the window.
"Answer me!"

'But still Nothing!'
"Fine then! I'll drop you off and I guess I don't have to try"! I say starting the car

But she pushed my hands away. She just touched me?

"Noor..." she says sobbing.
"What Leenah? How am I supposed to know what's in your mind when you aren't even speaking up?" I state looking direst into her teary eyes.

"I wish I could give you what you want but I can't..." she says letting the tears slide the more.
"Ok" I muttered starting the car.

We continue driving in silence before she says something that almost make me hit the brakes.

"I love you" she say almost like a whisper.
I had to pull over again
"Leenah??? Are you sure about this?" I say feeling it deep inside me while she just nod her head.

"I'd go talk to your father right away! We shouldn't let anything come between us Lee" I say as in a happy tone.
'How I wish I can hug her tightly while telling her how much she means to me'

"What about Saheel?" She asks
"Azra helped with that... by the way, is he a good guy? They're falling for each other I think" I say sounding unassured.

"He's good! I knew something was fishy but You can trust him with her. Also thought he has changed to something bad but I was wrong" she says forcing a smile.
"I still have to keep an eye on him" I say

The rest of the ride went with just us cracking jokes.

"Thanks for the ride but won't you come in?" She asks
"Are you eager for me to talk to your dad already? Ok not today but will come tomorrow after work" I say winking at her.
"Ohhh! Not that and don't talk to them yet, I and Saheel will handle the rest" she says

"Okay then, bye! Love you" I say and she smile reaching out to the door
"Dont!" I warned

"Why?" She asks looking puzzled.
"Are you just going to leave like that when I say I Love you?" I say raising a brow.
"Ohh thanks" she says and ran off

What is thanks again? I will deal with her later.

I couldn't stop smiling since when I dropped her off.
I reached home but Azra isn't yet back. I hope all is well.
"Where's your sister" mum asks.
"She's at Leenah's place" I lied


Mum know about Leenah and also my feelings towards her. Mum even celebrated when Azra broke the news to her. She got so excited that I have finally fallen in love. That is why she never have a problem with Azra going over there.

"Why do you look like a clown?" She asks studying my face.

"Me? Clown?" I ask confuse
"Yes why excessively grinning?" She say pointing at my face.
"Ohh mum! It's nothing but you will soon have an additional daughter in the house" I say grinning shamelessly.
"Ohhh really? It's really a great news knowing that it is soon" she says happily.
"Yes mum, I'd go take a shower now" I say leaving to my room to phone Najma.

"Hi bro" she says immediately she picks up.
"Get back home now!" I command her.
"I'm at the gate. Chill!" She says and I hung up the call.

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