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I woke up around 9 a.m. and took care of all my necessary tasks before telling the members of my household that I was leaving for work. They all insisted that I stay home and rest, but I couldn't just sit at home doing nothing and be in the same space with Saheel. I also needed to retrieve the file that I had lost, so there was no chance of me staying home.

"Okay then, Saheel, go drop her off," my mother said. "I can't believe she can drive herself there."

"No, Mum, I can drive myself, or I'll go with the driver," I said stubbornly, but she didn't accept that.

In the end, I ended up in the car with Saheel.

"When will I pick you up, sexy?" he said, trying to grab my hands.

"Focus on the road, and I know how to get myself back! Don't bother," I said, annoyed.

"Come on, don't be stubborn," he said, but I remained silent.
He kept annoying me throughout the drive, and I couldn't have been happier when we arrived at our destination.

"Thanks," I muttered as I got out of the car.
But he got out, too, and abruptly grabbed my hand and kissed it. I stylishly wiped the kiss off the back of my dress.
As I walked in, I saw Noor and his guards standing there looking angry.

"Good morning, sir," I said, trying to make my way past them, but his voice stopped me.

"Leenah Saheeb," he said in a husky voice, and my heart sank. This was the first time he had called me by my full name.

"Uh, yes?" I said, puzzled.

"Meet me in my office by 12," he said sternly, not looking at me. Then he left without waiting for me to answer.

I hoped he wasn't going to fire me because of the lost file. Oh, Lord, what do I do? I hurried to my office, ignoring the strange looks I was getting from people along the way.

"Hi Leenah, it's good to see you healthy and in good state again" Jasmine say hugging me.
"Thank you Jas" I say going into the office while she follows.

"The file has been retrieved and it was all Janet's doing" she say narrating the whole thing to me
"Ohhh! That asshole! Why didn't I even think of her. That was the day she got fired you know" I say rubbing my forehead.

"She's been arrested though" Jasmine smiles.
"Yeah, she deserves it" I say
We chat a bit before she left.

I wonder what Noor wants to talk about with me now. What so ever it is, it should be good please dear lord!
I looked round the office and see that it has been arranged perfectly. Thanks to Jasmine!

I made my way to Noor's office
"You're 13mins late" he says looking at his wristwatch
"I am sorry" I muttered and he just shook his head.
"You shouldn't worry nor stress about the file-"  he started but I chipped in

"Jasmine told me. It's good to know" I say nervously as I noticed his behavior
"How's your fiancé?" He suddenly ask and my heart almost crushed.

"He's fine" I managed to utter but he just smirked.
"Can I leave now?" I ask after realizing he has nothing important to say.

"I see you allow him to touch and kiss you the way he wants" he say sipping his coffee.

"Noor..." I start but he cuts me off.
"Leenah! Why do you have to do this?" He ask.
"Do what?" I ask not getting his point
"Are you blind or what Leenah?" He says his eyes turning red.
"I have no idea what you're talking about Noor" I say still not getting it.

He was silent for a minute and his eyes kept getting darker with every passing second.
"Forget it, leave!" He say hitting the table
"Not until you tell me what the heck is in that mind of yours" I say sitting comfortably on the couch.

"No!" He says typing away on his system
"Guess you're enjoying my presence then" I say.
"Make yourself comfortable" he bluntly say.

I noticed his hand trembling and he used the other to suppress it.
"What's up with you?" I ask noticing how he's having trouble calming the hand.

"Leave!" He shouted and I rejected
"Tell me!" I stubbornly insisted.

He ignored me and stood up making his way out and I stepped in his way.
"You ain't going anywhere" I say looking directly into his eyes

"Ok!" He says sitting on the couch and holding his hand.
"Fine! Deal with it and I am leaving, Don't call me to your office again if you know you just going to waste my time" I say sounding pissed.

"Wait!" He called out and I turned around grinning.
I know my magic will work!

"Sit" he ordered
I sat far from him and he started.
"Lee... I don't know what is happening to me, I've never felt this way with anyone...." he stopped and looked at me with his eyes bloodshot while I nod gesturing for him to continue.

"I Love You Lee" he suddenly says and I felt my heart beats up fast, my body went hot and My breathing fastened. So many emotions engulfed me at once and I felt like passing out.

"What do you mean?" I managed to say softly

"I Love You Lee and I want to marry you. I have never felt this way towards anyone. I had never opened up unless it's with you Lee and you are just different! I love you so much." He say letting the tears drop.

Noor's POV

I was confessing my feelings to Leenah when I realized how deep my love for her really was. She looked shocked and her chest was rising and falling rapidly. I begged her to give me a chance and not hurt my feelings. She started crying and I told her to calm down, but I didn't know what to do about this strange feeling inside me. I think this must be love, because I feel like I'm going crazy.

She didn't say anything, but the tears kept flowing. I begged her not to cry, because it was hurting me. She told me that her parents had already decided that we couldn't be together and I told her to leave. I was trying to hold it together, but I didn't want to break down in front of her or hurt her any more.

After she left, I called my work and asked for a new assistant. I locked up the office and went home. My mom asked me if I was okay and I told her I was just stressed. I took a shower and changed into comfortable clothes. I called Imran and asked him to come meet me when he was done with work.

While I was working, my sister Azra knocked on the door and came in. She noticed that I looked upset and asked me what was wrong. I told her that I was in love, and that the person I was in love with was engaged to someone else. She was surprised, but she was happy for me and told me not to worry. She asked me how I knew it was love and I told her about all the feelings I had. She said that Imran had given me good advice.

Later, Imran came over and Azra told him that I was in love. He was relieved that I wasn't going to commit suicide and asked me what I was going to do. I told him that I didn't know and he said that I should talk to Leenah and see how she feels. Azra agreed and told me to be honest with myself and Leenah. I decided to take their advice and try to talk to Leenah again.

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