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Noor's POV

"Come on, Noor, you should go to the wedding. I promise you'll have a good time," my cousin Imran and the groom-to-be Asad said to me.

"Can you guys just let me focus for a minute? I'm working on an important project," I replied, trying to ignore them.

"I'll go to the wedding for your sake, Asad. That's your wedding gift," I said, trying to placate them. In reality, I really don't like attending any social functions. I'm extremely introverted and avoid socializing as much as possible.

"Okay, that's great. Thanks, man!" Asad said, grateful for my promise.

"Don't you want to die a bachelor, Noor?" Imran suddenly interjected, as if he isn't a bachelor himself.

I gave him a deadly glare, which made him smile sheepishly. "Don't you have anything else to say?" I asked, referring to Imran.

"Come on, man, you really need a woman in your life. You can't keep living like this," Imran suggested. His words made me cringe.

I tried to explain that I'm not ready for all that responsibility. I've seen too many people have their hearts broken by lying, manipulative women. I'd rather focus on my company and secure my future before considering taking that step, but I don't think now is the right time for all that.

"I'm not ready for this conversation, Imran," I said, making my way to the kitchen to bring us some refreshments.

I returned with a tray containing green tea and some cookies for the three of us. We ate and chatted mostly about business until we had nothing left to talk about and they decided to leave.

Imran is my cousin and my best buddy we''ve been together through thick and thin since when we were little. And he's the only cousin I am so closed to despite our family being huge.
He went to the same collage with Asad and they became very close friends. but me being with Imran almost everyday has me also used to Asad. We became three best buddies who have each other's backs.
Our views is also what contributed to our bond being strong.

My cycle are usually small, I have trust issues and it's not every one I like being with in my life.

I heard my phone buzzing I reached out to it from my pocket and take a glance at the screen only to see that it's my P.A, Janet.

"Good day sir, you have some clients waiting for you at the office" she says immediately I answered the call.

I decided to take a day off at work today but I can't even rest. "What do you expect you are the CEO" my inner voice  blurts out.

"Ask them to wait I'd be there in a few" I retorted and hung up.
I tidied up pretty fast and started making my way to the office.

I was on my way out when I heard my sister Azra shout my name. "Noor!" Oh no, not now. "Hey, chicken!" I called her that because she loves eating chicken excessively.

"Are you going out?" I knew where this was going.

"I haven't eaten chicken for two days now," she said, pouting.

This girl is 18 but acts like she's 7. What's with her and chicken?

"I'll get you some chicken, CHICKEN. Bye, send my regards to Mom. Tell her I'll be at the office," I said, trying to escape the conversation.

"Okay, bye, Noor. Don't forget my chicken," I heard her faint voice say as I walked away.

My sister never ceases to amaze me, but I have to shower her with love and attention. She and Mom are all I have left since Dad left without a trace when Azra was just 5. That's one of the reasons why I feel like love is nothing but a cliché. I grew up hearing similar stories and seeing it happen right before my eyes.

As soon as the driver saw me, he quickly ran over and opened the car door for me. I hopped in and we drove off, with my bodyguard following in another car behind us.

I arrived at the office in no time. Janet was there, and as soon as she saw me, she came over and started telling me about my schedule for the day after my meeting.

I met with the clients and we talked business. I rushed through everything and left, not wanting to spend too much time at the office these days. I have enough employees to handle most of the work at the office.
One of the perks of being a CEO.

As I walked into the house, I couldn't help but wonder if it was just my office or if all offices were full of gossipers. It seemed like no matter what I did, the gossip always found its way back to me. I knew that firing people wouldn't solve the problem, but being a leader was not easy. I had to be prepared for the unexpected and focus on the betterment of my business.

I decided to take a break and headed to one of the best eateries in town. They served the most mouthwatering crispy chicken, and I couldn't resist the temptation. As I was walking out of the car, I was immediately engulfed in a tight hug by Azra. She seemed to be waiting for me at the gate every time I left the house.

"Welcome back, Noor. I missed you so much," she said with a grin.
"You missed me or your chicken?" I asked with a straight face.
"Oh, that reminds me. Where is it?" she asked, pretending not to know.

Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed the paper bag I was holding and ran off to the house. I couldn't help but shake my head at her childish behavior.

Asad's wedding ceremony is tomorrow
I have to make some preparations now and see how it goes.
Immediately I lie down I dozed off thinking about how tomorrow is going to be.

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