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Noor's POV
1hour and some minutes later...

Leenah's family are all here. Her mum, dad and brother with some other guy whom Khaleel introduced as Saheel! He must be the one messaging and calling her.

"Thank you so much son!" Her mum say smiling. She almost have the sane smile as Lee.
"Yes, Thank you may the Almighty.reward you" the dad say
"You don't have to thank me" I say smiling

I, Khaleel and Saheel left the room to her parents while we go sat at the waiting room.

"You should have just called me Noor, we shouldn't have stressed mum and dad" khaleel say.

"You're welcome!" I mutter in sarcasm and they all chuckled
"Saheel is Leenah's fiancé" Khaleel say smiling.

And that is when my heart sank. I felt as if am out of breath and I felt so jilt. I'm sure my eyes are red by now.

"Ohh congrats man! You're lucky" I say bluntly  managing to put myself together.
"Thank you" he say patting my shoulders

I tried as much as possible to act normal but I am failing. Imran must be right! I am in love.
Ohh goodness, what is happening to me?

"I think I should get going now" I say standing up.
"Okay Thank you so much man!" Saheel say giving me a manly hug.

I just walk out after shaking Khaleel

I can't stand looking at him nor being in the same place with him.
I got back to the office to see if I can retrieve the file that can't be found. I called Jasmine to my office.

"What Happened on Friday didn't you guys locked the section or what?" I say calmly.

"We did sir! All I can remember is that Leenah left and told me that I can also leave cause she was done for the day and then... yeah! Your assistant, Janet Told me that..." she started and then paused.

"What?! Talk to me!" I say calmly
I am numb and don't even have the strength to shout or something.

"She said that my... boyfriend wanted to talk to me and was in the hallway... she knows I won't leave if she says he's far or in his department... so I went but he is nowhere to be found" she say looking down.
"Janet! Great! Get out now!" I say in a normal voice.

I made one phone call and ask them to find her within 2hours.

1hour 23mins later
My guards came in with all stressed out Janet. Guess she tried troubling them and they did what they had to.

"Where is the file?" I ask sternly
"What file handsome?" She say with a smirk.
"Don't fuck with me. Give it to me or the police will handle the rest" I say

"Why the police c'mon" she says trying to get up but Jamil, the guard pushed her down again.
I grabbed the phone calling one of the police officer. 

"Hello... officer..?" I started

"Cut the call. I'd hand it to you" she says rolling her eyes
"Ohh yeah.. where is it?" I ask
"In my place why don't you come with me honey?" She says patting her lashes.

"Jamil... take her with you and if she doesn't hand them to you, you know what to do" I say and he nods before they dragged her along with them.

I pulled out my phone and gave Imran a call.
I narrated the whole scenario to him and he advised that I should still go on with what he told me earlier or go straight up to her parents.
But how could I do that when I don't even know what she feels towards me?

Leenah's POV

My eyes clicked open and I looked around to see my parents sitting next to me.
"Mom? Dad?" I said, trying to sit up.

"Yes, dear. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" Mom asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, Mom," I said, trying to smile.

"Thank goodness, child," Dad said, rubbing my hands and I smiled at him.

The door swung open and my brother, Khaleel, came in with Saheel. He looks so different, but I can still recognize him. He's taller now and I have to admit that he's handsome, fair, and has a lot of hair. His lashes are longer than mine, which makes me a little jealous, and his brows are full. He styled his hair in a buzz cut and his beard is a goatee. "Bad boy, huh?" I thought.

"Thank God you're not dead," Khaleel exclaimed dramatically, and I just rolled my eyes while Mom playfully smacked him.

"Don't talk about your sister like that," she said, making us all laugh.
"Hi!" Saheel said out of the blue. I had even forgotten about him. Who would have thought that our first meeting would be at the hospital?

"Hi, Saheel," I said, smiling at him while Dad excused himself.

I chatted with the three of them until Dad came back and said that the doctor said we could leave now. I got into Khaleel's car with Saheel, while Dad and Mom got into the other car.

"All thanks to your boss Leenah, you might have died," Khaleel said, chuckling.

"Hahaha! I see," I said, not wanting to talk about it.

"Leenah, you're all grown up and you're no longer the little stubborn girl I used to know" Saheel say trying to start up a convo.
"Ohh yeah thats me and you've also changed a lot, Don't even know how I got to recognize you" I retorted

The rest of the ride went on like that.
Saheel is going to stay for 5days. Dad said that that'll be enough for us to get to know each other and that after all "he is family"

Immediately We got back home, I went and take a hot shower and changed into a simple yet fancy dress cause Saheel is around.
I grabbed my phone and texted Noor saying thanks.

"You're welcome and you can rest for tomorrow" he replied and I decided to ignore the text even though I am happy.

I went down to meet Saheel. I saw him in the living room, eating some samosas, and I started craving some as well. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some before returning to the living room. I don't even know why I don't feel shy or any of the things that girls feel towards their soon-to-be husbands.

I sat on one of the sofas, munching on my samosa, and Saheel started talking.

"So... here we are, soon going to be husband and wife, huh?" He asked nervously.
"Soon? Well, that's funny," I said.
"Why funny?" He asked.
"Because I'm getting married, and to you of all people," I said, smiling innocently.

"Yeah, right! Can't wait to have you. You're already blowing my mind," he said, staring at my chest and licking his lips. "Oh lord, who is he?" I thought, biting my lips.

"I think we should keep things formal since we aren't even engaged yet, let alone married," I said, sounding annoyed.

"Okay then. After all, I'll soon have you all to myself," he said, trying to come closer to me, but my brother walked in and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Who am I getting married to? Lord! He's bad, really bad.
"I need to go take a nap," I said, grabbing the plate of samosas and rushing to my room. I turned on my laptop to watch "Escape Room."

I found the movie interesting, even though it had a lot of violence. But at least the movie helped me forget about all the happenings in my life, and it was far better than being anywhere near Saheel.

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