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Noor's behavior is confusing He even knows that I am the accountant? He deliberately deprived me from seeing him? Now acting like he doesn't know me? It really does hurt. I don't know why it hurts but it just does.
I just want to know why he is doing all that.

I was also shocked when I find out that Azra is Noor's sister, No wonder she kept looking like someone I know.

We arrived at some beautiful park, it has a very beautiful setting. The strong smell of the flowers hit my nostrils and can't stop looking around at the artificial waterfalls and the stores that contains candies, teddybears, game shop, and lots more.

I kept looking in awe

"Do you like it?" Azra ask

"Like? No I love it. I never knew such a place exists" I say smiling

"Yeah, I used to come here with Noor before he became too busy" she say pouting towards him

"I'm never too busy for you my darling sis" he said calmly

"You guys should grab a seat I'd get us some ice-cream" Azra said leaving without waiting for our answers

We sat and down without anyone uttering a single word. But I decided to break the ice

"What's up with you Noor? Why are you acting this way" I ask

"I am your boss, call me sir and what way? You want me to treat you like my sister or girlfriend?" He said bluntly

"Of course not, just wondering why you've changed" I say tonelessly

"You are my employee and you should stay as that. Don't you dare act like you've once knew me understand?" He says harshly

I didn't know when a tear slipped down to my cheeks. And I can swear I saw the concern in his eyes

"Don't make a scene here" he said and stood up making his way to Azra's direction

I couldn't comprehend what just happened. But if that is what he wants, so shall it be! Besides, I don't know why I care much about his changes towards me.

They came back with some ice cream and chocolates

Azra handed me mine and I thanked her

"Why is your face looking like that?" She asked

"Nothing! It's nothing" i say faking a smile

"Okay I think we should take a picture" Azra suggested. She pulled out her phone and she take about 100 selfies of us all

"Now, you two, pose! Going to snap you" she said getting the phone camera ready

"What? No way" Noor said crossing his hands

"I'm not asking you" she said and pushed me towards Noor that I lost my balance and grabbed on his shirt.

I looked up and see that I was so close to his face, I see his eyes soften and his clenched jaw are now free. He kept studying my face. Down to my lips.
I kept hearing the sound of the camera but didn't care.

He kept closing the space between us and  I get back to my senses.

"Sorry!" I muttered and get off of him

He ignored me and we both turned to look at Azra.

"I promise I didn't stare much" she suddenly said

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