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"Seeing a picture of an arrow through a heart they say you've been captured by love. But in reality it says love will be the death of you."-Jasmine

Chapter six. Playing cupid.


I entered the class and thankfully I wasn’t late but there was only one seat left and it’s right next to Damon. I groaned in frustration and made my way next to him.
I placed my bag next to the chair and pulled it back and it got Damon’s attention.

I sat down and focused my gaze at my English teacher. He purposely brushed his knee with mine and I pulled mine away, my eyes remained fixated on the teacher.

Minutes through the class he is still annoying me and this time I lost it. I shot my head on my left meeting his grinning face. “What, do you want?!” I whisper-yelled at him through gritted teeth. “You.”

I went back to ignoring him and he began to stroke my thigh. I pulled his finger forcefully which made him wince but he covered it with a light laugh.

I put his hands on his own thigh and averted my eyes back to the teacher.

“What are you doing this Saturday?”

Are you kidding me?! “Something that doesn’t involve you Damon, now stop talking.” I responded with irritation laced in my tone.

“Go out with me? Please just one date Jensen.” He pleaded.

“Sure whatever” Wait what, did I just- “Wait really?-I mean cool I’ll pick you up at your house at seven,” The bell rang and he was out of view before I could object.

Did I just agree to go on a date with Damon Clarkson?

You did!

Oh god. Still in a daze, I languidly marched towards the cafeteria and sat at my usual spot. Soon enough my friends followed and I caught Liam's quizzical gaze once he began to snap his finger in front of my face.

“You ok?” he questioned and I simply nodded. I looked around the table and realized Bryan's not here yet.

Then I saw Hailey making her way towards us. I gave her a questioning look because she told me she would not be attending because she caught something. She took the vacant seat next to me and I voiced out my thoughts and turned out it passed.


“Where’s Bryan?” Liam and Jade shrugged simultaneously and I fought the urge to awe at them then averted my gaze to Kassey who scolded at the mention of Bryan's name then turned away clearly pissed.

“What’s up with you?” she turned and gave me a fake smile, “Oh nothing I’m peachy” she replied with sarcasm laced in her tone and the fake smile still present.

“That smile's as fake as Kim K’s ass, why are you so grumpy?” Hailey acknowledges once she reached the table and slumped in the seat next to me. I faced her and gave her a ‘really’ look and she just smiled innocently.

I turned back to Kassey and she was now playing with her food lost in her thoughts and I’m not the only one that noticed.

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