*Twenty five*

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Chapter twenty five. Disputes.

Hannah Jensen


"Hannah...” I whispered my voice suddenly trapped in my throat and I swallowed the lump.

Please tell me you haven't seen it yet...


"You son of a bitch...” I breathed out and dropped my phone on the bed and trudged towards him.

"Baby please-"

"Shut up, I don’t want to hear another lie." I spat venomously and ignored the stinging pain on my palm after I had connected it with his face. I then released a bemused laugh as angry tears trickled down my face.

"Wow I'm so damn naive. I am so stupid. What do you except from a notorious playboy eh it’s what you do best and I was foolish enough to let you do it whole heartedly."

I shook my head disgusted at him and side stepped him so I would rid myself of his presence but he blocked my way.

"Hannah you need to let me explain, it is not what it looks like." He voiced out slowly and I swat his hands away.

"So what you're saying is you weren't about to fuck her is that it?! What more could you possibly want from me huh! You have already won that stupid fucking bet! You made me fall head over heels for you, you took my virtue and my fucking dignity what more could you possibly want from me?!"

His face paled from what I had uttered but it then hardened and became emotionless.

"After everything you and I had been through you're going to believe a video from Rebecca of all people and not listen to my explanation, and as for that bet which is already fucking dead buried stop being so gullible, no one will spent two years of their life running after you just for a bet Hannah, if that's what you want to believe by all means be my fucking guest." He spat with so much venom that I could no longer recognise him. I was stunned and also furious.

"Ever since you've stepped foot in my life again that's all I had done, listen to your explanation over and over again. I left England to get away from you but you keep on showing up out of nowhere, my foolish heart forgave you and boy was that a bad idea. You're a user, a fake and a player, you can't even be true to yourself."

I finished and before I succeeded on leaving the room he blocked me again and this time pinned me up against the door.

"Who knew you could be such a bitch, little miss perfect, no one could do right in your eyes always judging someone because of their actions from the past. You can't judge Hannah because you willingly spread your legs for me when I so much as breathed a word, you're so full of yourself you know that? Always running from your problems like you're about to do now, don't worry I won't spend another second of my time to chase you, you're not worth it." I crumbled.

Everything in me crumbled and I could barely stand. I no longer had the strength so before I fell to my knees I exited my room and went straight downstairs.

Don't run.

Don't run.

Don't run.

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