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"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

-Hamlet, Shakespeare

Chapter nineteen. She’s thirsty.

Hannah Jensen

The entire situation gave me a headache and it was completely unnecessary. I barely caught anything she said and only saw her deep red lips moving. She made sure to match her appearance with the theme for the winter’s ball because she almost resembled the ice queen.

I almost yawned and it was almost hilarious. I honestly pitied her because I doubt Jake wants her in the way she had assumed.

"God Rebecca, could you end this before you embarrass yourself any further. I have to say love I expected more from you, I find your lack of self-respect amusing, as far as I can see he doesn't want you so why don't you just give up already." I almost whined then someone snickered from behind me and I fought to mask the smirk that threatened to show.

It had been a week since Jake and I had been official, now my friends and I stood outside the school gym and waited for him because he was running late. Our comfortable conversation was then interrupted by a shrieking bitch.

I had been forced inside a spaghetti strap baby blue silk ankle length dress that slit on the side and black heels. When they showed me the dress I waited for them to say they were joking because it showed too much cleavage but they never did. The only reason I agreed to come to such inconvenient event was because I love my annoying best friends and Jake asked me to be his date.

Apparently Rebecca had found out about us from a friend of a friend as they said but I wouldn't be surprised if she had been stalking him. Now she stood in front of me and I could swore that I saw steam coming out of her ears and she was also completely hostile.

She erupted in front of me like a rampaging beast and I was honestly taken aback and made the conclusion that she was completely fucking crazy.

"Listen to me you little wannabe, I'm not the one that left him you are. And he's going to be mine now not yours so I suggest you back the fuck off." She practically squealed then the limitless anger I was in faltered as I realised she looked pathetic.
"Oh baby, did he say he wanted you or are you just living up to your imagination?" I questioned sweetly then smirked and her face because crimson from anger.

"I'm warning you bitch, stay the fuck away from him, he needs me not a slut like you, he could never want you!"

Thirsty much?!

I never knew I was a mirror because all the word she spat at me in that phrase completely resembled her.

"If he didn't want her he wouldn't have been in her last night, all night long so get a life bitch before I make you waste a few millions on cosmetic surgery after I demolish you." Kassey threatened next to me her hands balled in a fist.

Dayemn girl.

"Oh girl you don't need Jake, you need water 'cause you're thirsty as fuck." Bryan rebuked with an all too amused expression on his face and everyone agreed.
Then she suddenly huffed and stomped away.

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