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"I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed."- Possession, Byatt

Chapter thirteen. The competition.


Tuesday finally came and Jake and I still haven't crossed path unless you count Saturday. When he ambled away in fury, he never spoke to me again. He had avoided me like the plague for days and it infuriated me.

Not that I made any effort to talk to him.

I know I should be relieved but unfortunately my foolish heart misses him even though my head knows better and doesn't. I still cannot believe over all the people he could've slept with, he slept with Rebecca?!

I understood completely that I don't have a say in the matter, were he slept around after I left apparently because we weren't together and I wasn't there but why her?

Then there was Damon who sent me these glances that pissed me off because he never bothered to at least apologise for what happened, not that I cared anyway. Also, I caught him several times with Rebecca and he made it more obvious when I was in their view, by making out with her. All I did was rolled my eyes because that was a lame way to get me jealous, and if he’s expecting a reaction, he won’t get any.

I had already packed my luggage for my trip to Brewville and so had my whole family. My father made sure they came, even him. There's a bus rented for the whole team, but knowing my father, we have our own ride and Hailey had to ride with us.

I ambled towards Trey's room and knocked ferociously on his door, knowing I had to wake him from his sleep. A disgusting looking Trey opened the door five minutes later.

"What do you want?" He asked, his voice deep and furious. Note to self, bad idea to wake up a sleeping lion.

"Don't mean to wake you sleeping beauty but the carriages' leaving in an hour."

I smirked when he shot daggers at me as I sauntered back towards my room. When we were all ready the boys carried our bags to the car and the ladies waited on the side.

I know, we're really nice.

When Troy placed two huge luggages in the trunk I turned towards Hailey wide eyed.

"You do know we're staying for two days right. Technically only four days, for the ride back." I asked in shock.

"What? Ones clothes and the other’s...other stuff." She smiled innocently then turned away.

I stared at her suspiciously for a few seconds but then I let it go. For now. After the boys successfully placed all the bags in the trunk of the two cars we made arrangements and seemed like boys in one and girls in the other. Courtesy of my dad.

For two hours in the car with my mother and Hailey, we sang along with the songs that played on the radio and I also face timed Troy to find out what they were doing. When his phone flashed on Jake he was totally oblivious to the phone which had been turned to him as he stared intently at something on his phone.

"Hey Jake say hi to Hannah she's getting annoying." Troy punched his shoulder to get his attention and he snapped his head towards the phone.

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