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"suis-je courageux ou stupide ai-je tort de t'aimer, même quand tu es un poison me tuant lentement"-Jasmine

Chapter seventeen. I hate you.


You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me!!!.

Different scenarios swam through my head as I stood frozen. Why would he be meeting up with her of all people? Am I seriously asking myself that question, he did sleep with her. Maybe it was more than once after all.

I'm not surprised I fell for it all, I can't believe I was actually considering forgiving him and now look where that got me. I should have-

"Hey! Snap out of it! You're having a conversation in your head that won't end well. Shut all of those thoughts out now."

Hailey snapped her fingers right before my face continuously which got my attention quickly and I glared at her.

"Listen, do not jump to conclusions, when you see him again, ask him, okay?"

I was about to complain and voice my thoughts out because I was already pissed with the thought of Jake lying to me, again.

"Ask who?"

His deep voice made me weak in my knees. I was frustrated yet thrilled to see him. Hailey was right. I should ask but just being with her all day has red flags all around it.

"Oh they were talking about you, since you were apparently fraternising with the enemy."

I sometimes wonder if his mouth will be the death of him. He could never sugar coat anything. I sent him a glare at the back of his head and I'm sure he felt it since he turned and stared at me then raised his hands up in defense and wrapped it around Hailey's waist pulling her away from me.

The two couple had already left and so had Dawson an hour ago. There was only Hailey, Jace and I left and now Jake. I stared quizzically at them and Hailey sent me a cheeky smile.

"Anyways, we're leaving now, your ride has arrived carrots." They sauntered hand in hand towards my car and I gaped even more confused.

That damn nickname was really starting to get on my nerves!!

"What ride? That’s my car." I called after them and Jace responded saying he's borrowing it, I was about to protest but they had already entered the car and prepared to leave. That's when I realised they were leaving without me.

I took a step forward to sprint towards them but Jake caught my forearm before I did. I turned towards him so quick I'm surprised I didn't break my neck. As soon as he saw the look I sent him he released my arm and stared at me pleadingly.

"You don't have to give me a ride, I'll walk."

The level of my stubbornness at times intrigues me. I knew it was a three mile walk but I rather walk for hours at night than be in a car for one with him and risking the chance of killing him.

"Hannah don't be stubborn, get in the car." He is tone was serious as he roared after me but I played deaf and marched on the sidewalk my arms crossed. I guess he got fed up quicker than I thought he would.

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