*Twenty four*

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"I promise I won't look at you if you tell me not to, I promise I won't talk to you and be around you but never tell me to stop loving you because that is a deed I would never want to do." -Jasmine

Chapter twenty four. Not meant to be.

Hannah Jensen

I exited the car while fuming and quickly went to my room. I can’t believe him. My silent cusses were soon cut short when I heard my phone ringing. It was Dawson. I dove on the bed and took a deep calming breath then answered.

“Hey Daws.”

“Hey, how you feeling?” the question surprised me but then I remembered Hailey and I was suddenly filled with dread.

“I’ve been worse, how about you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I did ran out the building which would mean I’m disqualified or whatever, meaning you’re out too and I have let you down, so you’re saying you’re not mad?” I stated then groaned as I awaited his answer but all I heard was a chuckle.

“The main reason I told you to join was so you could have fun. I guess I just saw a piece of me in you and I wanted to fix it which would mean I would be fixing myself too.” He uttered and I was shocked by his answer. I did not expect that but I did assume it was something similar.

“What are you-?”

“It doesn’t matter, just know that it was fun. Later okay?”

“Okay.” He hung up before he heard my answer and I pulled the phone away and gaped at it.

Well that was weird.


Jacob Williams

After she told me she wasn’t coming and I dropped her off at her house I knew she wasn't happy with me going to a strip club, I'm quite reluctant too but Kevin's my friend and he may be a sex starved ass but he can be a good friend when he wants to be.

It took thirty minutes but I finally reached blue moon and the place was packed with loud music that boomed on the four corners of the place. The place was closed for Kevin's party but he was still popular in this era and being the son of a billionaire has its perks. The club's owned by his brother and it took both, Kevin and I by surprise when he agreed to lend him the place.

I ambled through the sweaty bodies and went straight to the VIP. When I successfully reached my destination I found Kevin and Jason both with a glass of whiskey in their hands but only Kevin with someone on his lap.

I then averted my gaze back to Jason and smiled faintly but teasingly. "Hailey gave you a hall pass?" I mused and he glare at me as Kevin snickered.

Hailey being in her state affected him like no other but he was coping well with it and remained strong for her. It affected each of us differently but Jason and the girls were the most obvious.

It took a lot of persuading but after Kevin practically begged him to attend he finally did. I wouldn't have blamed him if he didn't but he needs to stop stressing himself out and hopefully a few drinks could do the trick.

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