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"I'll shout it out like a bird set free."-Sia

Chapter twenty. Here goes nothing.

I was confused and it infuriated me because I had done this before and it was never this nerve racking. It could be because the star prize was a straight ticket to the college of your choice or because the bloody finals was being held in the exact place the Voice does and was being judged by them, and yes I'm in LA.

It had been three weeks since the winter's ball and my friends and I had to pull Jake away from Damon's bloodied body twice. He was not severely hurt but Jake did almost get banned from school premises because one fight was there.

Also my dad did have a heart to heart conversation with him because he was a famous NBA player and he could not go around beating up high school kids. Jake knew if he told my dad the reason behind the beating he would be doing the same or worse but Jake didn't because of me and I was grateful.

I know it seemed quite surprising that I was not the least bit affected by what happened and I wasn't, it only shocked me because I wasn't expecting it.

I was furious and surprised he had the audacity to approach me two days after what he did when I was in the parking lot. He seemed disturbed and genuinely guilty and the look made me almost punch him in the face because he had no right.

Like I said I almost punched him but before I did, Jake appeared out of nowhere and did it himself.

It took all three of the boys Bryan, Liam and Jace to pull him away from Damon who seemed like he was not fighting back. I never really do hold grudges.

Who am I kidding, of course I do.

Either way, I had thought of letting Damon off the hook because he was drunk and he had no clue what a complete lunatic and dickhead he had been. Even if I had forgiven him in my own way, I had not planned on forming a conversation with him anytime soon.

With all the drama I had almost forgotten I had turned eighteen last week. I am not exactly a party person so I only had my friends over and we got drunk and opened gifts then went to bed and later woke up with agonising headaches.

Jake gave me the same bracelet I returned to him two years ago on the airport and he told me it was so I'll think twice before I run.

I glared at the back of his head when he said that but I was bursting with joy. It may be the simplest gift but it was the meaning that mattered.

I now laid in my queen sized bed in the hotel room of golden tower and the size was incredulous. It was spacious with beige walls and gold curtains. The living room had a flat screen TV and a round shaped beige sofa.

There were two rooms in each hotel room and I shared mine with Hailey while Kassey and Jade shared the other.

There were another two rooms ordered and one was occupied by my parents and brothers while the other was for Jake, Liam, Bryan and Jace. None of them wanted to share a room with my parents but once they played rock paper scissors my brothers lost.

I was brought out of my reverie from the sound of the door when it hit the wall with a loud bang. I sprung up and caught Hailey's furious gaze.

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