Told You So

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"Now who told you that this would happen?" Zain asked her when she came into his room once he got home from basketball practice and told him everything. "Ed Sheeran did." The reference you her comeback made her laugh lightly as she laid in his bed as he moved his stuff around the room to start his homework. He had a limited amount of time everyday to do homework. It was hard to juggle a sports, a job, and school which included honors and AP classes. But he would always have time for Ximena no matter what.

"I know, but I wanted to pay it forward you know. Help someone like you guys helped me." Ximena said pouting at her failed attempt at helping Bella.

"You were in an abusive home where . . . they did horrible things to you." He trailed off slightly sparing her the details she endures within her previous household. "She's going through a breakup. She needs to stop being dramatic." He said bitterly at the stupid pale ass idiot that made his sister sad.

"But I think she was in a toxic relationship. I think she loved him too much."

"I know it sounds horrible, but so what? She doesn't want you to help her. When she's ready she'll find the right kind of help. And it may not be you, or it could be. But you need to give her time and space to let her ride it out. There's not much else you can do." Zain finished off and sat at his little desk and began his homework.

Ximena huffed at his words and left to her room grabbing her nap blanket and her favorite stuffed animal and walked back into his room. She put her AirPods in listening to Tai-Chi music and made herself comfortable. For some reason since they were kids she would always cling to him the most, they believed because they were closest in age. And thus felt more secure with him than alone, so felt better to take naps in his room without the fear of having an episode of sleep paralysis. He never minded her presence because it was comforting to have his eye on her. He shook his head at her fetus position and focused on his calculus homework.


"Ximena. Ximena! Wake up!" Zain shook her little body awake as she was in deep sleep.

Ximena angrily swatted away his hands away from her until she heard the most beautiful words ever. "Food's ready." And with that she was fully awake and she quickly sat up.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah, dad made enchiladas." That was all she needed to hear as she got out of her blanket cocoon and walked behind Zain to the dinner table. Her mom was now at home serving herself some food while her dad was teasing her about something she had said the day before.

"Good morning!" Ximena said excitedly skipping to the kitchen grabbing a plate and generously serving herself 5 enchiladas with shredded lettuce and cheese on top. Her dad had learned how to cook most Mexican foods from his mother-in-law. He had a passion for cooking so he took the opportunity to learn how to cook it from the most authentic source possible. His wife Beatriz loved to eat Mexican food but absolutely dreaded having to actually cook it. So Martin took the his newfound liberty from his home office to cook. It was usually hard to make home cooked meals when he would be coming home late but now he had all the time in the world as he worked from home saving him time for the trip to and from his office building. And this would become a more frequent tradition as his new office would be closer than the previous one with only a 20 minute commute.

"How was your hibernation?" Her dad teasingly asked.

"Ugh, it was great!" She exclaimed as she sat down happily at regaining some hours of sleep. But then seemed slightly deflated that she had to do her homework later than she normally would.

"Yeah, for you. Your snores are scary. Sounds like a donkey with asthma." Zain said laughing at her facial expression as he sat next to her and his laughter only grew as she threw bundled up napkins.

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