The Last Duchess

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Ximena groaned one more time in tiredness as Caius placed tiny kisses on her shoulder to get her to wake up. His arms were wound up around her as they spent the entire night cuddling. Ximena was afraid she had actually gotten used to his presence in the night and she would have to remember what it was like to sleep alone again. She was sure she'd have trouble sleeping after he left.

"Leave me alone," she mumbled into her pillow wanting to fall asleep, just five more minutes. But anyone that knew Ximena, knew that five minutes was more like 2 hours.

"You have to go to school." He whispered into her ear. He wasn't exactly happy either, he had gotten used to Saturday and Sunday where he had her all to himself, but now it was Monday and it was time for her to return to school. Which meant he needed to entertain himself with paperwork the agonizing hours without her company.

"Ugh, more like hell." She groaned and sat up in the bed before collapsing on him again. Her own body was fighting her at the idea of leaving her comfortable bed.

He chuckled at her sleepiness, but nonetheless got out from under the covers and pulled her out from under the comforter by her hands as she allowed her entire body weight into the bed but he was able to pull her from bed no matter what. "Stupid vampire strength." She cursed as she walked to the bathroom to relieve herself and then begin getting ready. She looked through her clothes and settled with a decent outfit for school and began getting ready. Caius was always a gentleman and looked away from her body to not make her uncomfortable despite the fact he had essentially seen her almost entirely nude the other night.

"What are you going to do without me?" She asked wondering what the vampire king would involve himself with at this time.

"Paperwork and other things. I might leave tonight when your asleep to feed so you won't miss me too much." Caius explained his plans and she hummed in return as she listened to his words as she ran a brush through her hair. She decided on leaving it in it's natural soft curls.

"Sounds boring." She commented.

"Everything is boring without you." He responded cheekily.

"Mhm, don't have too much fun without me." She said and placed a gentle kiss on his lips and he savored her lips as he would have to survive 8 grueling hours without her.

"Alright, I promise." He said and watched in longing as she left the room. She had gone down to eat breakfast but it still wasn't the best feeling to watch her leave without him.

He listened intently as the family spoke briefly as they moved around one another getting ready for the day not knowing there was a spector in their lived listening to everything. He smiled sadly when he heard Ximena's laughter as her brother Zain said something to her that made her giggle at his stupidities. She would always miss them and he hated that he was the person that was separating a family. She would have to see her family die around her and he didn't want that for her, but he was too selfish to allow her to slip from her fingers.

"Okay, no I'm leaving. Bye." She said and quickly gave him another kiss and grabbed her backpack and left for school. And he was all alone with his thoughts again.


"Ugh, I hate school." Ximena said as she walked into her room and found Caius seated comfortable on her desk as he wrote out the past trials and wrote the details of the cases. Aro was very adamant on keeping straight records about every single trial they have ever run to ensure they had evidence in case of anyone claiming wrongful execution so he had proof to show the reason why they were executed. Everyone within the throne room including the guard needed to leave a full report with the utmost detail to ensure the different witness's accounts added up. Taking someone's life wasn't the first option but it had to be done in some cases.

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