The Guard

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"How'd you know I was gay?" Adam asked as they began walking through her backyard into the woods. They were a safe distance from her house so he could shed the sunglasses and look at her confused.

"I have an impressive gaydar. Please, I can detect a fellow LGBTQ person from a mile away." Ximena said laughing.

"LGBTQ?" He asked confused at to what they meant.

"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or sexual, and Queer." She responded and saw the understanding in her face. 

"Fellow?" He asked surprised at her once he understood. She seemed pretty straight to him. He thought the posters of Rihanna were because she was a fan.

"Yup, I'm bi." She said and snickered at his surprise. She had always known and her family were amazing enough to support her unconditionally. "And I needed a backstory. My dad wouldn't let me run off with a boy if he though there was any possibility of you doing something to me. He's a protective." She explained as best as possible. "Would you let your child run off with some person you don't know if you even though they could do something to them?" She asked. Most people, such as Bella, got angry when their parents protected them from things they saw as perfectly safe. But she often put herself in the shoes of her parents and looked through their perspective. They didn't mean to stop her from living her life, they only wanted to protect her from the outside world. They weren't able to save her from life when she was young, but they would be damned if they let anyone hurt her now that she was under her protection.

"Can't relate. Vampires can't have kids." Adam said as they walked calmly through the forest. 

"You can't?" She asked shocked but what did she expect they were dead. "Oh," she said. And that was when Adam knew he fucked up.

"I'm sorry, I should have let Caius tell you that. That's your personal business. I shouldn't have told you that. I just thought you already knew." He said thinking of all the ways Caius could retaliate for making his mate upset.

"No, it's okay. I understand. You guys are the undead." She lightly joked but both knew and all the other unseen guards accompanying them that she was actually hurt by the idea of giving up the idea of having her own children for a man. This was a sticky situation. If she were with a human she would actually break up with that person. She wanted her own kids, she wanted to be pregnant and have her spouse feel the obligation of getting her a McFlurry at three in the morning by using the excuse that she was carrying their child. She wanted the whole thing, the first sonogram, the first kick. Everything. And if the person she was dating didn't want or plan on having children at all, she would understand but at the end of the day they wanted two different things. She couldn't force a someone to have children with her, nor would she trap them by purposely get pregnant.

But the man she was destined to be couldn't have children. That's where the problem comes from. She knew she could get a sperm donor and get inseminated, but to a certain extent it wouldn't be the same because it wouldn't be his baby.

But then there was that question: did Caius want children? That was the worrisome part of the whole situation.

"So what do you guys so when you're not stalking me?" She asked wanting nothing more than to change the subject and take her mind away from that whole mess.

"Um, we usually spar in the woods. The Cullens allowed us to use a little meadow in the woods that is on their territory." He explained worrying about the few seconds she seemed to allow her thoughts to run wild. "But we mostly keep a sharp eye and ear around the house."

"Wow, that must be boring." She said feeling bad for them. "What you stand there and wait for something to happen? Sheesh. That really sucks, I'm sorry I dragged you into this." She said feeling bad that they had to watch her and her family live out their mundane life styles.

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