You Were Right All Along

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I completely forgot to include this, but Ximena's name is pronounce He-mena. It's a Latin American name. And I love that name but pronounce it as you wish.

Ximena had returned to her normal routine of sitting with her brother and his friends. Carter didn't mention her sudden appearance back at their table, probably because Zain had warned him not to. The school's curious glances returned as to her sudden change in table after getting used to seeing her sit with Bella after a couple weeks of their routine. Slowly but surely they decreased as well.

Ximena was not comfortable allowing Bella walk through her depression alone but as her brother and mother explained to her it wasn't her place to force Bella into seeing the truth. She needed to overcome the pain on her own.

And Bella had gotten used to Ximena's presence it was odd for her to sit at the Cullen's lunch table alone again. But she prefered to be alone, given the distaste Ximena had for the Cullens which she made very clear on countless occasions. So now she had to get used to her returning nightmares and loneliness. She had a decrease in the amount of weekly nightmares she would have. All consisting of the same thing, Edward leaving her to die in the forest and him never to return. All slightly different as she changed her pleads to try and convince him again and again to stay beside her but none worked.

Charlie was happy to hear her daughter sleep through the night a few days in the week and had gotten used to sleeping like a rock. But now her nightmares returned like in the beginning and he was getting more and more frightened for her well-being. He had questioned her on what had changed and she had made a snarky comment about how it wasn't his business and stalked to her room. He had no idea what he had done wrong as a father and was wondering how he was going to help his daughter when all he did seemed to fail. He was a deadbeat father in his eyes.

But as Bella began losing her mind slowly as she returned to her normal routine of staring out her bedroom window in hopes of Edward climbing through it and pleaded her for her forgiveness. It was beginning to take a toll on her that she couldn't and wouldn't acknowledge. The idea that he would never return to her side scared her beyond belief, it made her feel breathless and that sensation wouldn't go away.

No really, she couldn't breathe. She felt as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the world that would prevent her from asphyxiation. Naturally as a way to attempt to regain the oxygen her body desperately needed, she began panting as if it would help her. But in reality it made her gasp and pant ever worse. The tightness of her chest began to worsen, as if a boa constrictor was around her chest squeezing tightly. Her eyes began bulging out as she felt like she was drowning, no matter how much she attempted to breath in, she wouldn't survive. She was going to die like this, alone, like how she had been feeling lately. The tears streamed down her face like two rivers rushing down her face.

Not being able to understand what was happening, she reached for her phone in panic. She dialed the only person she could think of as a way of getting help from her inexplicable panic.

"Hello? Bella? Are you okay? Why are you panting?" Ximena's voice was on the other side of the line. Her worry began growing as Bella couldn't muster sentences to explain her situation.

The only words she was able to choke out were "can't breathe" and that was all Ximena needed as she slipped her shoes on and ran down the block to Bella's house and her dad shouting behind her asking where she was going. She didn't even bother explaining as she ran as fast as her short legs could carry her.

"Bella?!" Ximena screamed into the house as she broke through the front door in a frenzy as she looked everywhere with wide eyes as Bella's life was at hand.

She raced once she heard a croak-like noise from one of the rooms. Bella was in her chair facing the window as the imaginary snake tightened further and further. She barely could realize that Ximena was standing in front of her, kneeling before her. And when she did, it was hard to actually see her as her form was blurred with her tears.

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