Embry and Quil

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"So this do-hickey goes on the thingy and it connects to the thingamabobber. And makes the whole thingy-majiggy turn. Oh that makes sense." Ximena said as Jacob tried and failed to explain the individual pieces of the motor. She somewhat understood what was happening now only she couldn't learn the mechanical jargon he had spewed out. It went through one ear and out the other. Kind of like math.

"Let's go with that." Jacob said laughing at her creative nicknames for all the parts. In all honesty, it was hard to learn the names for all the parts. But her words didn't fail to amuse him.

"Yo Jake you there," A voice called from the entrance of the makeshift shop. Jacob stopped Bella from covering up the motorcycles by telling her they were his friends.

"Hey Jake." The one with straight short hair said as they both walked in side by side.

"Hey guys, this is Bella and Ximena. Bella and Ximena this is Embry," he said while pointing to the one that had previously spoken, "And that's Quil." He introduced while pointing to the one with short curly hair.

"Hey," both Bella dn Ximena said.

"So the bike building is true." Quil said smiling mischievously.

"Yeah I taught him everything he knows." Bella joked and Ximena snorted unattractively at her words. Bella only looked at her with a glare and she responded with a shrug and an innocent smile.

"What about the part that you're his girlfriend." Quil asked making Jacob's cheeks to flare up.

"Um, we're friends." Bella said awkwardly trying to avoid the tension in the air.

"Oh burn!" Embry said laughing at Bella's obvious friendzone.

"Actually, remember I said she was a girl and a friend." Jacob tried desperately to cover up his obvious lie to his friends. Ximena looked down at the part in her hand trying to not laugh to avoid making Jacob feel more embarrassed than he already was.

"Embry, do remember him making that distinction." Quil asked teasingly to draw out Jacob's embarrassment.

"Nop." Embry pitched in as he smiled at Jacobs tomato red face.

"So you guys have girlfriends. That's awesome." Bella said taking the embarrassment away from her childhood friend making Ximena look up to see their reactions.

Jacob took the opportunity to jab and began laughing at his friends, "Yeah right. Quil is actually taking his cousin to prom." Quil laughed awkwardly at that news and Embry joined in to laugh at now his red face.

"I thought that only happened in Alabama." Ximena pitched in laughing as his face began getting even more red.

Jacob began laughing harder and Quil obviously began getting angry. "You think that's funny Black? I'll give you funny." Quil said as they both began wrestling. Embry swerved their hits and walked to Bella and Ximena's side to avoid being dragged into their catfight.

"Five bucks on Quil." Embry said looking at them.

"You're on." Bella said laughing as they watched them fight. Obviously they weren't necessarily trying to hurt one another, but Ximena had to say that they clearly didn't know how to fight.

"Put one foot in front of the other, square your feet!" Ximena called at Jake. "Bend your legs, Jake!"

"Hey, that's cheating." Embry said as he saw Jake had begun winning.

"We never said we couldn't give out pointers." Ximena said laughing as Jake defeated Embry after he waved an imaginary white flag, taking his defeat as a man.

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