The Hearing

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"You don't have to do this, you can stay here." Martin said to Ximena as she paced around their hotel room trying to convince herself she didn't need to have a panic attack or a reason to be nauseous.

"Of course I have to go." Ximena said rubbing her sweating palms on her hands. Today was the day that she would be going to hear the verdict of her biological father pleading for a lesser sentence. He had gotten over 30 years as his sentence for their crimes against Ximena after she had been saved. All she hoped for was that it wouldn't be lessened. They had gotten on a plane and gone down to Inglewood to the hearing. Adonis was unable to leave as he had prior arrangements with investors and felt incredibly guilty for not being able to show support but after a few facetime called with Ximena reassuring him she was fine, he felt slightly less bad. And Xavier was unable to leave campus because he had important exams he needed to study for which he also felt as bad as his older brother but was content that she had his parents and the youngest of the boys to have her back.

"No you don't, I promised you when we adopted you that you would never have to see him again if you didn't want to." Martin said grabbing her by the arms to stop her pacing and grabbed her into a tight hug. "I can call you once we hear word." He said as he murmured into her hair.

"But I'm going to die from the anxiety if I don't go." Ximena explained resting her cheek on his suit and smelled his cologne. She had gotten it for him last Christmas. Him smelling good was another excuse she could use to give him hugs because she simply loved how sweet and gentle he was with her despite him looking scary.

"Okay, but remember that if you need to step out, you can okay. I'll be right behind you." He reminded her and kissed her forehead and she nodded understanding that he was trying to shield her from the possible PTSD episode she might have if she saw him again.

"I know. I got your 6, and you got mine." She said smiling and leaning into him into another hug before putting on her black ballerina flats. She was dressed up into a business casual outfit by her mom because she was currently going into haywire with anxiety. It was a black blazer with a simple blue blouse and white pants with black ballerina flats.

"Ready?" Zain asked as he walked into the hotel room as a way to tell them that their uber had arrived and was waiting for them, his mom already in it. The pair nodded and grabbed last minute items and walked out with Zain. Martin lead them through the hallway to the elevator and Zain and Ximena trailed behind him. Zain slipped his hand into hers and gave her a gentle squeeze to show his support and she squeezed back giving him a tight smile as a way to not worry him when in reality she was freaking out on the inside.


"My client have shown that he has have been model citizen with the prison. He has not caused a single disruption in the years that he has have been incarcerated. He has have learned from his mistakes and ensure you, your honor that he will never commit such heinous crimes again." The defense attorney said to the judge.

"Your honor, this monster should not be released into the general public. If you have read the case files, you will know that he torture and dehumanized his own daughter, with the aid of his wife, the child's mother. Their flesh and blood, how can anyone feel safe if one of these two sadists released into the general public?" The prosecutor argued back.

"He has shown that he-" The defense attorney began but was cut off by the prosecutor.

"Your honor do you have children? More specifically daughters?" The prosecutor asked the judge.

"Yes, I do, I have two daughters, now where is this going?" He asked.

"What would you do if these two criminals beat, raped, and or prostituted your daughters? Hm? What if he did exactly what he did to your daughters? How can any decent parent sleep well at night knowing of one these two sickos are free in our society?" And with that the prosecutor sat down not saying another word knowing she had just slammed any opportunity this creep had of getting out of prison faster. If it were up to her, he would have gotten wacked silly up and down with a two-by-four everyday for the rest of his life.

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