Trust Me

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"So this entire time, you could have been telling me lies and I would have completely trusted you?" Ximena asked surprised at Adam revealing to her his powers. She was shocked at the fact that he had a powerful gift yet never once mentioned it. "Did you lie to me when I asked you if I was getting better at calculus?" She asked suspiciously as she bit into her frozen gansito and took a sip from the thermal filled of chocolate milk. They were currently in the forest as they sat on a blanket in the middle of nowhere. Most of the guards sat next to her on the blanket or opted to be perched in nearby trees to check on the surrounding area while still engaging in their conversation.

"I would never use my powers against you." Adam said smiling at her as she narrowed her eyes further as she stared at him and hummed at his as if saying "yeah right".

"I'm gonna pretend like I believe you because I used to suck at calculus and now I think I'm the Issac Newton of the school." Ximena said and Adam laughed at her.

"You are actually getting good at calculus. You don't get stuck midway through the problems as much. I promise you'll get a good grade on the AP test all on your own." He said smiling at her and laying down on the blanket and rested his head on his arms crossed as a pillow.

"I'm honestly only worried about that class because chemistry I have in the bag, English, ehh. I'll get a three at least. United States history, if I pray hard enough to all the deities in the world, I might get a three." She said going through a mental list of how hard her classes were.

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Cecelia said as she was braiding through Ximena's thick hair. She was braiding her hair into a dutch braid while making sure not to tug too hard.

"Pray for me though," Ximena pleaded. She needed to get those credits or else the entire years worth of mental breakdowns were for nothing.

Throughout the time they had been "hanging out" as she called it, while they called it "guarding her", they had gotten to know each of them fairly well. They were all nice to her, she still couldn't differentiate whether that was because she was Caius' mate or because they actually enjoyed her company. She was certain her parents would have liked each of them very well.

"I have an idea but you guys aren't gonna like it." Ximena said as her mind than through the possibilities of what could go wrong. "Never mind. I'm not gonna say it, it's stupid." She said quickly at the thought of something going wrong.

"No what is it?" Adam asked curious of what was going through her head at the moment.

"No forget about it, it's not gonna work and if it did, it would eventually go sideways." Ximena said insisting he drop the subject because it would be bound to go downhill.

"Well, we should live a little. Come one, now judgements. Felix says more stupid things in the day than anyone else." He said trying to egg her on to say what she was thinking. And without warning a rock was thrown in his direction which he quickly catched. Felix had been sitting and leaning against a tree and picked up a random stone to throw at him. "I am wounded at the fact you would actually hit me." Adam said melodramatically and Felix simply shrugged and raised his eyebrow as if saying, "You deserved it". The ginger brought his attention back to the said queen awaiting her answer.

She sighed loudly and rolled her eyes at his attempt at puppy dog eyes. She couldn't help but grin at his face. He was now on his stomach with his legs in the air waving them like a schoolgirl on the phone with her crush and his chin in his hands as he gave her a pout, it was almost comical considering how he could uproot a tree without a single problem.

"I was thinking, now remind you that I thought about it logically now, that you could make my parents trust you into believing you guys aren't, you know, Dracula's prodigies and you could meet them. But it wouldn't work. But I know they would love you guys." She said shrugging her shoulders in defeat.

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