Volterra (Part Two)

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"I'm guessing you didn't rent this car." Bella asked randomly trying to stop nerve-wracking going through her head.

"I figured you wouldn't be opposed to grand theft auto." Alice said.

"Not today." Bella said.

"I am." Ximena said angrily. She was going to be in a ton of shit if something happened to this car and they found it. No wonder she was wearing gloves, so she wouldn't leave fingerprints. "You won't have that many consequences because y'all are so white you're translucent, but I'm a person of color, so I might as well kill someone."

Bella suddenly asked Alice what she had seen basically ignoring Ximena's words. "They refused him." Alice said and Bella seemed to understand what she meant. Ximena on the other hand didn't understand what she was referring to by "they". "He's going to make a scene. Show himself at the festival." Alice said giving away enough for Bella to understand but Ximena was only getting more and more confused. What had she gotten herself into. "He's going to wait until noon when the sun is at its highest."

"God Alice you need to hurry up." Bella said getting more and more angsty to get to Edward and Ximena was ready to puke at her nervousness. Alice was beginning to get worried because it almost seemed like Ximena's heart was going to burst out.

"There's Volterra." Alice said as the beige-colored castles came into view. They were the most beautiful architecture she had ever seen but she was too busy freaking out to really appreciate it. They zoomed in between buildings on the streets and Alice honked to get the people to move away before she ran them over. Groups of people were in red robes through the streets.

"Why are they all wearing red?" Bella asked gripping her hair.

"St. Marcus Day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city." Alice said guessing it didn't make a difference to begin revealing a few secret to Ximena since she was the mate to one.

"Vampires?" Ximena asked weirded out. This was Italy not Transylvania, Romania, she thought. Bella and Alice shared a brief look in guilt.

"It's the perfect setting, the Volturi will never let him get far enough to reveal himself." Alice said not caring anymore about Ximena's questions or confused looks.

"Five minutes." Bella said stressed out because it was getting closer and closer.

"Calm down Bella. Just breathe." Alice said. Then they arrived at what seemed like a toll booth where the police stopped them. Bella climbed out and Ximena followed suit.

"Alice?" She asked not understanding what to do.

"Bella you're the only one he can't see coming. If I go he'll read my thoughts and think I'm lying. He'll rush into it." Alice said and not noticing Ximena's growing confusion. This is going to make my brain bleed, she thought to herself not bothering to ask anything because she wouldn't get any answers.

"Where do I need to go?"

"He'll be under the clock tower. Go!" She yelled and Bella grabbed Ximena and the pair raced through the buildings and shoved people away from them to try and get there on time. She couldn't understand what was happening but she wasn't going to let Edward die. No one deserved to die that way, let alone by your own hands. Everyone deserves to live and get help to better themselves.

Then they saw him, he was coming out one of the doors of the castle. Bella raced through the fountain to get to him in time and Ximena ran on the rim of it and managed to stay alongside Bella. She wasn't going to get her feet wet.

"Edward!" Bella said as she slammed into his body. He managed to barely get into the sunlight with his chest shining in the sun as if he was wearing body glitter everywhere. It wasn't her place to judge what he wore, for all Ximena knew was he could be into drag. "You need to go back inside. You need to get inside." Bella said shoving him successfully into the building avoiding anyone to see them. Well, almost no one.

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