Feel My Wrath

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The trip back to Forks was fun because it involved Adam bothering Alec by serenading him romantic songs Ximena put on the the speakers through the bluetooth in the fancy Cadillac. Songs like Chasing Cars and You and Me were the main songs being sung to Alec which he responded with a huff and a glare to Adam. He was quite bothered it was encouraged by his queen and the other guards, but slowly it was not bothering him as much. One car was filled with four guards and Ximena and the other had the other four guards. Adam, Alec, Cece, Diminti, and Ximena were in one car with Felix, Lu Ji, Henry, and Xóchitl.

It was odd because she was sending funny videos or TikToks to her brother which he always watch or sometimes responded to but he wasn't doing either of those things at the moment. She brushed it aside as maybe he wasn't on his phone but it still bothered her enough for it to come back to her mind a few times each hour she was away from home.

Then they actually arrived home but the second they made it to the driveway it became apparent to the guards there was definitely something wrong. Dimitri was the one that caught on the quickest because of his tracking instincts were so fine tuned that he detected an unfamiliar scent near the house that disappeared into a vehicle because of the smell of gasoline mixed with the vampires smell. He quickly ordered the Felix, Henry, and Xóchitl to step outside the vehicle in case someone attacked, the others to stay inside and for him and Alec to go into the house to see who was in the house. The two guards found it empty but a fearsome letter written in blood on the wall of the living room wall. If they were humans, they would be throwing up from the turmoil in their stomachs but they were Volturi guards, they were better than that. Dimitri's mind immediately switched into commander mode. He walked outside the house and walked to the other guards and whispered what they saw so they heard but not Ximena. She needed to know but so did the Volturi kings.

Adam whispered back that he would be the one to tell Ximena so he could calm her down in case she had an anxiety attack while Dimitri had the dooming task of reporting back to Master Caius. The single ring of the phone wasn't enough to prepare himself for the horrific phone call he had to make.

"Dimitri, this must be an emergency I had to step out of a trial." Caius's intimidating voice came from the other side of the line and Dimitri gulped the venom down his throat to avoid chocking on it.

"The queen's family has been kidnapped, Master Caius. They left a threatening message on the wall with her father's blood on the wall." Dimitri cut to the chase and became rigid when he heard Caius's voice on the other side cursing in Ancient Greek and him barking orders to guards to get the plane ready and to have the best guards to come with him. The flight would be around 12 hours so the time they got there was critical for the Little family to be saved.

"What was written on the wall?" Caius asked as he packed for the flight meanwhile it was being prepared for take off in 30 minutes.

"Give me Bella or they die." Dimitri said and cringed when he overheard Ximena's worry in her voice as she kept on asking Adam questions he couldn't answer her like if they were alive or if they were okay. But he knew where they were, he could map out where they were fairly easily because of the relationship they had with him. But worry emitted through his being as he could hear his queen's sobs in the car as she tried to fathom the fact that her family being in harms way was her fault entirely because she got them into this mess.

Caius wasn't sure vampires could have headaches but he was sure he was suffering from one this second because of the very thought of Ximena's desperation knowing how much she loved her family. Nothing would stop him from making sure Ximena's family was safe, even if it meant sacrificing the pathetic excuse for a blood singer the Cullens carried around like a chihuahua in a purse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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