Volterra (Part One)

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"Alice." Ximena said in surprise at the sight of the pixie-haircut woman standing before her. Where had she and her family gone? Why were they here now? After all this, they only come back because of Bella's sudden suicide attempt. Of course they would come and try to clear their conscience so they could leave her cold turkey again. 

"Hi, Ximena." Alice said in surprised at her appearance. She had seen her around but had never really interacted with Bella or anyone other than her brothers and his friends. She wasn't the type to pay her family much attention which she appreciated but it was odd for her to suddenly begin caring about Bella. But what concerned her more was the idea of Bella revealing her family's secret to someone else without their consent. It was already dangerous enough for Bella to be knowing but it was worse that she told someone else.

Alice gave Bella a look that asked "does she know" and Bella quickly shook her head trying to not give anything away.

"When I heard what happened, I came straight down here to see if it was true. I couldn't believe it." Alice explained the question in the air of the reason for her sudden appearance. Ximena couldn't help but scoff at her words. Of course she would come down to see her but Edward wouldn't dare to show his constipated face. Not after everything and possibly knowing that she had tried to kill herself because of him.

"After everything she's been through, you show your face. Not until she almost dies do you fucking care about her well-being." Ximena argued.

"Ximena it's fine. It's okay." Bella says and melts into a hug from Alice as if the last few months never happened. Ximena through her hands in the air in exasperation. Then the smell hit Alice's nose when her face was rammed into the jacket she was wearing. The shock of Bella's very alive nature had surprised her. But said nothing as there wasn't any near, at least she hoped.

"I have never met anyone more prone to life threatening idiocy." Alice said at the idea of Bella jumping off the cliff for the fun of it.

"Wait until she tells you about the motorcycle accident." Ximena said grimacing at the accident that had happened after Jacob had managed to fix up the bikes. Ximena refused to get on one if it wasn't Jake driving it and her on the back. She was not about to die for the fun of it. Meanwhile, Bella was ecstatic to climb one and crash into a rock and get herself flung a few feet forward off the bike. The girl already tripped on air, let alone on riding a death contraption.

"Motorcycles? Bella!" Alice said surprised at the crazy things she was doing while they were gone.

"Did you tell him?" Bella asked obviously asking about Edward. The amount of love she had for Edward would always shock Ximena due to her blindness. She was doing so much better without the Colon guy.

"No. He only calls in every few months. He said he wants to be alone." Alice revealed and sighed not being able to give much more details due to the fact that Ximena was in the room. Bella simply put her head down in sadness that there wasn't a possibility for him to come back because he didn't know. Now he would never come back because she had survived. If she had died, he would have come to her funeral and would have understood how much she loved him. How much she needed him here with her. "Bella what is that God awful wet dog smell?" Alice asked scrunching her face up in disgust and interrupted her inner monologue. It definitely wasn't Ximena, she would never fart in public, much less in front of people she didn't know. She wasn't nasty.

"Um that's probably me. It's Jacob." Bella said and trailed off trying to explain to her about what he was without giving it away to Ximena and gave her a look. 

"Jacob who?" Alice asked curiously and hope she didn't give her the answer she was dreading.

"Jacob is kind of- well he's..." Bella trailed off once again and set her gaze on Ximena with a sad smile as if saying "I can't reveal too much because she's here".

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