She Did What?

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Ximena felt guilty, she really did. But it was hard for her to be a good person all the time. She needed to take care of herself before she took care of others or else she wouldn't be taking care of them at all. Her thoughts drifted to the last conversations he had with Bella and then she didn't feel bad anymore, Bella was dead to her.

"He's avoiding me!" Bella complained for the hundredth-time. Ximena was up to her forehead with Bella's complaining. Recently Jacob had been ignoring them, refusing to answer the phone or texts. And when they called the house phone Billy gave the same bullshit answer of Jacob being too sick to talk because he had mono.

"I know Bella, this is the millionth time you reminded me!" Ximena snapped as they walked to English in the morning. Last night, Bella called her and whined about Jacob, when she called this morning she nearly broke down because of Jacob, and now she only talked about Jacob. It was getting too much, she needed to move on. Did it hurt that he was suddenly ignoring them? Yes. It did but that's life. If there are people who just don't want to be in your life, why do you want them then? Ximena had learned that it's best to only have people you care about in your life because when it comes down to it, those are going to be the ones that are in the bad and good times of your life. Ximena was tired of people using her and harming her so she wasn't going to be chasing after a guy who didn't have the decency to answer their calls or text messages.

"Don't you care?" Bella asked shocked at Ximena's nonchalant behavior to Jake's isolation from them.

"Of course I care. It hurts me too but I'm not going to sit here and cry that he doesn't want to talk to us anymore?" Ximena was getting more and more irritated with Bella's current mood.

"No you don't, you don't care about anyone but yourself. Is that why your parents left you? Why they dumped you on to someone else's shoulders? Because they couldn't handle you anymore?" Bella sneered at her in the hallway and Ximena opened and closed her mouth in shock. Her words like a slap to her face, only it hurt so much more than one. A slap was a sudden sting to your face but you don't usually notice it due to the probably adrenaline in your body. It isn't after the fact that you suddenly feel the pain. But this? This was different.

That one phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me" was something that Ximena had always believed because in her mind she would say, "Okay then get smacked in the face repeatedly by someone who is supposed to love you, and then we'll talk".

But not now.

Bella had become a great friend of hers, so her saying something like that was an absolute low blow. She didn't know much about her biological parents or the reason for leaving Los Angeles, but it didn't take a genius to understand why she would sometimes flinch when people got too close or made sudden movements around her.

Bella looked shocked at her own words and began to apologize but Ximena simply shook her head and wiping the few stray tears that managed to escape her eyes. "Is that why you're with Charlie? Because your mom would rather be fucking around in different hotel rooms with your new step daddy than be with you? Because of your bitch ass attitude? I'll pray for Charlie, he has to live with your bitch ass attitude." And with that venom spewing out of her Ximena left quickly because if she learned anything from her parents, it was that you never let your attacker know they got the better of you. So she muffled her sobs as she ran out of the school and walked all the way home.

Being insulted by someone you care about hurt worse than any other feeling in the world, these are people that are supposed to love you and care for you. But that's what Ximena gets for going around opening her heart to people who don't deserve it.

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