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"What is your name?" Caius asked suddenly appearing in front of her wanting nothing more than to hold her. Her voice was stuck in her throat due to his sudden movement. She would never get used to these creatures being able to suddenly appear. It definitely freaked her out that they would zip through the air as if it was nothing.

"I-I" Ximena couldn't find to say anything because she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Part of her wanted nothing more than for him to hold her, but the more logical part of her told her to run away from him right now. No caring person had blood-red eyes, but yet he looked at her like she hung the moon and stars every night. If anyone were to ask him if she was beautiful, he would scoff and respond by saying that it was an understatement. It was like saying there were a lot of stars in the sky, an enormous understatement. She is the most magnificent thing he had ever seen. He was so enchanted by her beauty even he seemed to be in a trance as he was now more than ever appreciative of his amazing eyesight. He was able to notice the tiny freckles around her face and scars that were on her arms from childhood accidents he imagined. How her brown eyes seemed like ray of light piercing from behind closed curtains that educated him that there were angels in this world and he happened to be before one. How her hair was soft and framed her face perfectly that accentuated to her beauty as it lightly curled at the ends.

"You're scaring her. She just found out what you are. You can't expect her to suddenly accept you, let alone the mate bond." Edward said reading her brain going into overdrive. Soon enough smoke was going to come out of her ears from overheating.

"Very well. I will take a step back." Caius said as he took half a step away from her to give her space. But he couldn't stop himself from still keeping a close proximity to her as he was still appreciating her beauty.

"Okay," Ximena said running her hands through her hair. "Punk ass Edward is a vampire. Alice is a vampire, the Cullen family are vampires. Y'all are vampires. Bella knew y'all are vampires. And her bitch ass brought me here because she knew this was going to happen." Ximena said summarizing this to herself. "And you just saw my entire life in your brain, which is extremely creepy and invasive." She said looking at Aro and then turned to her awaiting mate. "And you keep staring at me like I look at tacos. What's up with that?" She asked taking the liberty of taking three steps back from him. In a moments notice, he could snap her like a glowstick.

"You are my mate." Caius answered simply he wanted to take a step forward but that would only make her take a step back out of fear. He was tall in comparison to her small frame and her heart was already beating abnormally fast. He didn't want her to run away from fear. That would certainly hurt him more than anything in the world. He didn't want her to be the source of her fear.

"Your what?" Ximena asked not being able to understand the magnitude of that word. She hoped and prayed it meant something else than what she was thinking.

"Mate. The easiest explanation is something like a soulmate. You're destined for each other. You're mine." Caius said simply and watched her in adoration. 

"Um no. There is some type of mistake. I'm not destined to be with some Lucius Malfoy wanna-be. What is going on?" Ximena said on the verge of a mental breakdown. "What in the actual dick-sucking fuck?" She cursed to the world. She felt like she was going to puke or faint or just die so she settled herself by sitting with her legs crossed on the throne room floor. "I think I'm going to be sick." She said as a migraine seemed to be coming up into her brain and she uncrossed her legs and spread on the floor like a starfish. She appreciated the cool floor that did a little to help with her oncoming headache.

The entire room stared at her understanding this was an enormous revelation for one day. More than a normal person could withstand. Having a mental breakdown was not unreasonable at the moment.

Mio Amore (Caius Volturi)Where stories live. Discover now