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Sorry for the time I've been gone, I had a social media detox for a while and decided to focus on me right now. This whole quarantine has taken a toll on me. And its been a good time to look at myself as a citizen of the US during this entire problem with police brutality. We are all a part of the problem if we refuse to help or better ourselves for our fellow Americans. And if you don't follow/believe in Black Lives Matter, please look back into history and remember all the abuse that they have endured in the history of this country.

Anyways, read along.

"Do you need help with those?" Adam asked as he grabbed the bags in Beatriz's arms as she walked in on a Saturday morning with groceries. The guard had gotten comfortable at the Little house as they got accustomed to coming over almost every day and Ximena's parent nor brother seemed to mind their almost constant presence because Ximena was getting back to normal. She wasn't holed up in her room as much anymore. She was talking and bonding with her brother and her new friends. Zain and Henry had actually become good friends as he taught him more and more about different video games.

The backstory they had come up with was that they were Henry and Adam were Amish people who had left their community after they had a taste of freedom during their rumspringa. And Adam had apparently left the community after he had come out as gay which tied the whole story together that it almost seemed believable. It was Adam's idea as he had learned somewhere in book about different religions about the diverse cultures.

As for Lu Ji, Cecelia, and Xochitl they were roommates that were renting a room in their house after moving out of their parents house to have more freedom and had become good friends and had met Ximena when Adam invited her to go hiking with him and his friends one day and the rest is history. As for the house, they used the excuse that Henry's uncle was a commercial fisherman in Alaska who had also left the Amish community which excused his absence for long periods of time and explained why they preferred to be in the cozy Little home than in their lonely house. And they enjoyed the short walk as the imaginary house was 2 streets away from theirs and none really had cars. How could a commercial fisherman and five teens afford an Escalade, which was the only car they had with them in Forks.

"Thank you Adam," She said smiling at him as he was incredibly sweet and helpful around the house. Ximena had seemed to pick up friends that were all incredibly attractive and sweet. Especially Xochitl, they had bonded beyond belief. Beatriz had never been more in touch with her Mexican roots than now as she and Xochitl talked hours on end about the state she was from and had been brought over to the United States when she was young. They talked about the different foods, dances, dresses, and other things that seperated the states they were from. But nonetheless were more alike than different.

Henry was the cutest one in a puppy-like way and was always quick with a joke or funny comment. He had the most infectious laugh that would corral others into laughing alongside him. He was sweet and considerate and overall fun to be around. Ju Li was sweet but also shy as she didn't speak very often but always was listening. She was one of the most attentive one and made sure to pay close attention when people spoke to not allow anyone feel as if their voice didn't matter. Cecelia was such a down to earth girl that spoke beyond her years. She was intelligent and weighed her words well as everything that left her lips had a meaning and an intent. But she wasn't always serious, she was often as goofy as Adam.

"So have you spoken with your uncle lately?" Beatriz said as she was putting the groceries away with the dutiful help of Adam. She didn't mind their company but it was concerning for a couple of kids to be left alone for so long.

"Um, no. There isn't must reception in Alaska. But I'm sure he'll call once he's in a city in a couple days. He tries to contact us every few days to make sure we're okay. But I think he mainly does it to tell us he's still alive." Adam said as he made sure to put the bread in the bread box because Xochitl had put the bread in the pantry and it ended up being all squished, which then Ximena pouted about until they finished the loaf of bread.

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