Chapter 11

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I remember it crystal clear, how my family died. Since I was the youngest, they protected me. I was such a burden, I wished I could fight even if I was just twelve years old. They died because the hunters infiltrated the castle. They died because someone back stabbed me.

Someone I treated as my friend. I thought I would trusted him but humans are just the same. They are selfish people who want the world to themselves.

"Promise me that you won't leave me," I smiled as I look at him. He smiled back.

What a fake smile. I was so stupid. This is why I hate promises, they are meant to be broken. Promises are just stupid child's play. They were never kept, never committed. I hate trusting people.

I looked at the boys, they were just looking at me. I turned to Yoongi, who looks flustered when I looked at him.

Can I trust you?

"Our castle was infiltrated, and they were killed. I survived because they hid me from the hunters," I said and Yoongi put his hand on mine.

"You don't have to continue, you're crying," he said. I widened my eyes and touched my cheeks. They were wet, I am crying. I still can't move on. I wiped my tears and squeezed his hand softly.

"Can I ask a question?" Yoongi said while scratching his head. I just nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Did you have a mate before me?" He said looking away, blushing a bit. I smirked a bit but I hid it.

"No but I did had a boyfriend, we are not supposed to be together though," I said clicking my tongue.

"Why not?" The others asked confused

"Because he is not my mate and he is a witch. You already met him Yoongi," I said glancing at Yoongi. He raised his brow with a puzzled look.

"The guy I was with in PE period," I said rolling my eyes. Talking about him makes me annoyed.

"That guy?!" He said with a furious look. I smirked. Is he jealous?

I then stood up and looked at the boys.

"If you have something to tell me, hurry up. I have to go," I said looking at the time. Taehyung stood up with a serious look. I furrowed my brows a little bit. He has been acting weird lately.

"C-can I talk t-to y-you?" He said with a shaky voice. I tilted my head to the side and nodded. I followed him to the kitchen and he turned to me with a panicked look.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him, kinda worried for the boy. He looks so scared.

"I'm sorry, my ancestors killed your family, please don't kill me!" He said and raised both of his hands, begging me. I widened my eyes, surprised.

I put a hand on his shoulder and he flinched.

"Calm down, darling. It's not your fault, it was someone else's," I said as my gaze turned a little bit darker but I look at him and smiled a little.

He looked at me with awe and smiled.

"I have a question, if you don't mind."

"I don't, continue."

"You are not from Korea, are you?" He said tilting his head.

"You noticed?"

"Yeah, it was kinda obvious."

"I was born in the UK but both of my parents are Korean," I said and he got surprised.

"Let's go, the others are probably waiting," I said and went to the living room.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave," I said as I went to the front door but Yoongi stopped me. I looked at him with a confused look. I looked down to his hand and he quickly took it back.

"You can stay here, it's dark out yo–"

"I won't die in the dark, love," I said and he got flustered.

"But to be sure!" He said while blushing bright red. "You can sleep in my room," he said and I got surprised but I smirked after that.

"My my, is Min Yoongi thinking of something?" I said and he suddenly turned red even more. He panicked and said that it was not like that and other stuff. I just laughed at him and made him stop.

"Just kidding. Fine, I will sleep here for the night," I said and walked upstairs. He was right behind me, just following me. I stopped at the door I left a while ago.

I sat on the sofa and looked at him. "I can sleep here," I said and he instantly said no.

"That's embarrassing, you are the guest here. You sleep on the bed," he said while pointing at the bed. I shrugged and just sat on the fluffy bed. Hmm, no wonder I slept for hours, it's so comfortable.

I looked at the blushing boy and then I looked around.

"Where are you gonna sleep then?"

"Uhm, I can sleep on the couch," he said and sat down on the sofa. I furrowed my eyebrows and made him come to me.

"This is your property, you should sleep on the bed," I said and made him sit on the bed. He then looked away while blushing even more.

"Are you uncomfortable with me?" I said and he looked at me and quickly shake his head no.

"No! It's just that I'm not used to this mate stuff," he said while chuckling. I then smiled a little bit but he looked at me.

"You know, I never saw you smiled. You only smirk," he said and I scoffed.

"I don't smile genuinely because nobody is worth to see it," I said as I looked at his eyes. They were pretty, I wish I can have those kind of eyes. I have the eyes of a monster.

"You should smile, you're pretty if you do," he said as he smiles genuinely. I widened my eyes in awe. This boy really makes my heart fuzzy. I then crept a smile and he got shocked but he smiled back.

"Can you promise me something?" He said and I froze. Promise?

"Can you promise me that you won't hurt my friends?" He said as he looked at me in the eyes.

"In exchange, I will promise to love you and not hurt you." I feel warm. His words and looks are all genuine. I then smiled and held his hand.

"I promise, can you promise me something too?"

"What is it?"

"Promise me that you won't leave me."

I trust you Min Yoongi. For the first time in years, I promised someone. I hope you won't leave me like he did.

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