Chapter 18

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Hyeon-Ju's POV

It's been a day and later at night we have a flight back to Korea. I noticed that Yoongi was acting weird. Same to Rocky and Jungkook. I wonder what's their problem.

The boys had to go back to their hotel to start packing. I wanted to come with them but Rocky said he needed help with something. Yoongi and Rocky doesn't seem to get along, especially Yoongi. Rocky is the type to tease people for fun and Yoongi doesn't like being teased.

I rolled my eyes thinking about those two. Anyways, Rocky told me to go deeper in the woods because he needed help. He didn't really told me what help he needed but since he's my bestfriend, I will help him.

I was actually happy though, when I thought he was the reason why my family died was actually not real. And I also thought I was the only vampire, I guess not anymore. That makes me relieved.

I looked around, trying to find him but I can't seem to find him. I furrowed my brows and turned around to go back but something hit the back of my head hard, causing me to black out.

Yoongi's POV

I was just packing my clothes when my phone dinged. I took it out off the charger and opened it. I got a video from a stranger so I thought of not opening it but curiosity overcame me so I played it.

Once I played it there were just blackness so I was going to stop it but the lights turned on. I saw a guy tying a girl with a cloth on her face. I furrowed my brows looking at the video. Why did this douche sent this to me?

All of a sudden someone else entered the frame. The guy was wearing a mask and his eyes were red. No way! There's another vampire? But what I know is Hyeon-Ju and Rocky are the only vampires.

The guy laughed in a maniacal way. He looked straight in the camera which makes me shiver because it looks like he was piercing through my soul.

"Min Yoongi," the guy in the mask said as he clapped both of his hands once. My brows furrowed even more when he said my name. How the hell does he know me?

"You see, I really hate the idea that you were her mate," he said and pointed at the girl with the cloth on her face. When he said mate, I instantly knew that it was Hyeon-Ju.

I stood up completely furious. What the hell does he want from us?!

"You want to save her? Come get her," he said as he took his mask off. I was greeted by a maniacal smile by Rocky. "Better hurry, or she's dead," and just like that the video ended.

I stood up and ran to the boys. They were putting their baggages near the door.

"Guys!" They all turned around, startled by my shouting.

"We need to help Hyeon-Ju! She's being held captive," I quickly said while running out of our hotel room. They didn't need explaining and quickly ran with me.

Please, Hyeon-Ju. Please be safe when I get there!

Hyeon-Ju's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by a cloth on my face. I tried to take it off but my hands were tied tightly. Just then someone took it off for me. I looked at the person and my eyes widened.

"R-Rocky?!" I exclaimed but he just smirked.

"You're awake? Good, I thought he almost killed you," he said glaring at a guy. The lad shivered in fear and bowed apologetically then left the place.

"What are you doing?! Why am I being held captive?" I said as I tried to break the rope that tied both of my hands.

"You can't break free, you haven't drank blood since this morning," he said as he sat down on a chair in front of me.

"Why are you doing this?" I glared at him but he just smirked at me.

"I'm mad," he started. "I'm mad that you found your mate. I thought your mate was a vampire so I told the vampire hunters to kill all the vampires except for you and me then the two of us will be together but your mate was a human," he chuckled in a terrifying manner. "So I kidnapped you, so your precious Yoongi will fall into my trap."

I widened my eyes at how he planned this. He had manipulated me all this time and I fell for it. He's actually a fucking psychopath.

"So you technically ordered to kill my family and you are the reason of the vampires' almost extinction," he raised his brow as his smirk widened into a huge grin.

"I didn't knew they went overboard and killed your family just for money but I don't care. I just need you. Humans will do everything just to get money. I won't be surprised when Yoongi will abandon you just to get what he wants from you," he said making me see red. I tried to kick him but I couldn't reach him.

"Fuck you, he will never do that!"

"How can you be so sure?" The corner of his lips raised even more. He thinks this shit is amusing?!

"Because he had done that but he will never do it again," I shouted at him. I'm in the verge of tears, I'm a fucking moron. I can't fucking believe that I fell for his scheme, again!

"You can't be sure he will stop so just stop loving him and love me. I will take care of him and I will take care of you too," he said as he showed me a gun and gave me that sick grin. My eyes widened and I shouted at him.

"I will never love a crazy asshole like you. Don't you fucking dare lay any finger on Yoongi."

"I don't care about what you say but you will be mine when he is gone," he said while rolling his eyes. I looked at him hopelessly and then I looked down.

I'm hopeless, I don't have enough strength and Yoongi will die just to save me.

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