Chapter 13

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Hyeon-Ju's POV

I arrived at their house so I knocked on the door. It took a few minutes to open and I saw Yoongi. I smiled and he did the same but his smile slowly fade away. He probably noticed the gloomy look on my face. I decided to show some emotions now that I have a mate.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked me worried. I sighed and sat down on one of the chairs on their terrace. He then sat down right in front of me.

"The girls, they wanted me dead," I said and he was surprised.

"I thought that I can trust them but I guess I can't," I said and then I looked up to him. "But I can trust you right?" I smiled at him.

He smiled a little bit and looked away. "I'm so sorry for what happened. But can I ask what you did to them? Did you?"

"No I didn't killed them, if that's what you are thinking about. I just erased their memories with me in them and I will leave them alone forever," I said as I sighed. It still pains me in the heart.

Yoongi was surprised but I ignored that. I looked at him seriously.

"You promised me right? That you won't leave me?" I asked him. He just looked at me with a forced smile.

"Yes, I won't leave you," he said looking away. I then smiled, I feel happy. At last, there is someone who won't break promises.

"I have something to do, you can come in," he said and stood up. I followed him and went to the living room. I saw Jungkook and Jimin tense up when I came in. Are they still not used to me being here?

Just then I remembered that I forgot my pills here so I stood up to go to Yoongi's room. On my way there I saw a room with the door slightly open.

I walked towards there quietly. I then heard Yoongi and Namjoon talking.

"It looks like her members are gone, we can just get the rank without killing her," what Yoongi said shocked me.

"So what? She's still alive, she might create another gang and recruit more members. We need to kill her to surely get the rank."

"You do have a point," Yoongi said nodding, agreeing at what Namjoon is saying.

"Jin is already preparing the food you will make her eat. The soup has a lot of powdered garlic and that will kill her," Namjoon said making me angry.

So all this time they want me dead? Just for a fucking useless rank? Why did I even bother?

Yoongi, he was just lying at me. He just broke his promise. His promise of not hurting me and the promise he accepted to not leave me.

People are so selfish. It's happening all over again. Someone used me to get what they want. Why is this happening to me? I just wanted to trust someone and someone to not break their promises but then again, promises are meant to be broken.

I was so stupid. I was blinded by love and this is my consequence for being stupid. Love doesn't exist in this world now. It now full of self-centered people who make this world a horrible place.

I just want to leave this place. Am I that cursed to live as an immortal? I hate my life.

I walked away from the door and bumped into a vase. I'm feeling lightheaded and my heart hurts. The vase fell down, breaking into pieces. It was just like my heart, it took me years to find someone to fix it but when I did, he just break it again.

Even if the vase broke, I still kept on walking. I want to get out of here. I called BamBam to get me out of here. I'm leaving Korea.

Yoongi's POV

Our talking was stopped when I heard something broke. I went outside of the room and saw Hyeon-Ju walking to the front door.

Shit! Did she heard what we are talking about?!

I ran to her and grabbed her arm but she quickly pushed it away. I looked at her with wide eyes and she turned around. I was shocked, her eyes were empty. It has no emotion. It was the same when she was talking about her family yesterday.

"W-where are you going?" I asked her but she just looked at me. She then turned her body to me, her presence was cold and she looks so dead inside.

"You can have it," she coldly said, so cold that it send shivers to my spine.

"Have what?"

"You can have the number one rank of the gangs, that's what you want right?" She said looking away with those empty eyes. The shine in her eyes are gone. The sparkle when she smiled at me for the first time is now gone.

"I'm leaving now, you don't need to find me because you have the rank now," she said and she continued to walk away but I grabbed her arm again but she pushed it away again.

"Stop stopping me, you don't need me anymore," she said and I saw her eyes water. For a few seconds, I saw pain in her eyes. It looked like she was afraid too but when she closed her eyes, her empty eyes came back.

"Hyeon-Ju please stop! I promise that I–"

"Promises are meant to be broken," she said as she looked at me. "But I promise that I will leave you all alone..."

"Forever," she said and she turned around again. I felt tears threatening to escape from my eyes. "And I won't ever break that."

"Where are you going?! Please don't leave me," I begged her as I get on my knees. The door opened and I saw a car parked in front of our house. I saw the same guy when we had PE class.

He was glaring at me and he let Hyeon-Ju in the car.

"I told you man, stay away from Hyeon-Ju. You'll just hurt her. She just wanted to trust someone, she just wanted someone to fulfill their promises but you broke it. The fear that happened a hundred years ago, happened again just because of you. She doesn't trust me now because I cheated on her. I don't know how she will regain her trust to you. Don't go looking for her anymore, she's leaving," he said and he was about to go in the car.

"Wait! Please, please tell me where is she going. Just tell me but I won't go looking for her!" I said as I bowed more, begging him to tell me.

"She's going where the incident happened," he said and got in the car. He left our house, driving Hyeon-Ju away from him.

What incident? The death of her parents? But where the fuck is that?!

My tears fell as I saw the silhouette of the car getting even more further. The others comforted me but I pushed them all away. I stood up and looked at them with tears falling down my eyes. I now realized that I love her but I was too stupid for some fucking rank.

"This happened just because of a fucking rank, I can't believe you guys, I can't fucking believe myself! I'm such an asshole and now I lost the love of my life," I said as I sobbed in front of them.

Taehyung put a hand on my shoulder, I was about to push it away but he said something.

"She's going to the UK. "

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