Chapter 17

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It has been a day since we were in the castle, we decided to spend the night in it. It was utterly creepy because of the vibe and it was very cold at night. Tomorrow at night we will fly back to Korea, the bad news is, Rocky is coming with us.

Absolutely the first time I saw him, I never liked him. Mainly because he's the reason that Hyeon-Ju's family were killed but that was debunked by him. Then there's another reason, he kept on sticking with her. I know that he's her bestfriend and all but I still don't like him. Even Jungkook doesn't like him.

The others thinks that we were just overreacting and they said that it wasn't him that killed her parents. I know that but he still gives me and Jungkook a bad vibe.

I was in the garden, even though some plants were dead. I was just playing with my phone, thank god I still had some battery. This castle doesn't have any outlets well because it is a castle. Hyeon-Ju and her family didn't used electronics years ago.

"Min Yoongi, right?" Someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw Rocky. He gave me small smile and pointed at a space beside me. "Can I sit here?"

I raised a brow at him and just scoot over so he can sit. I just looked down at my phone, ignoring him. He cleared his throat and looked at me.

"It's 5:30 in the morning, you're an early bird aren't you?" I looked at him and he was just giving me a lopsided smile. I looked away and looked at my phone.

"Yeah," I shortly said because I don't really want to talk to him. He just chuckled at my quietness.

"You sure are a talker," he sarcastically said while he put his left foot on his right knee.

"Ya'know I was really surprised when Hyeon-Ju finally found her mate and it was you," he said making me look at him. He was smirking while looking at the plants that still has a little bit of life.

"Is there a problem with it?" He glance at me and shake his head slowly while smirking.

"No, not really..." he said something after that but he quietly said it. I furrowed my brows and was going to ask him what he said but he stood up.

"I gotta go and hunt for a while," he said as he walked away. He looked back while walking and smirked. "See you again next time."

I glared at him when he was not looking and stood up. Argh, I never liked him. There is something really off with that guy but I can't put my finger on it.

I went back inside the castle and saw Jungkook looking outside the window. I called him and he turned to me.

"Hey hyung," he said and smiled but his smile fell then he walked close to me.

"How did it felt when he talked to you?" He whispered to my ear. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You were listening?" He nodded and looked around then back to me.

"Since last night, I had been spying at him," he crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. "So, how did he talked to you?"

"Well, he was creepy all right. He told me that he was surprised when he found out that I was Hyeon-Ju's mate," I explained to him.

"Did he said anything else?"

"I think he did but he lowered his voice."

Jungkook just nodded and walked away from me. I asked him where he was going but he just said that he's going to his room with Jimin and Taehyung. I just let him and then sat down on the soft regal sofa.

I can stay here all day, it's so comfortable.

I saw Hyeon-Ju walked down from the staircase and she looked at me. She then smiled and walked towards me. She sat right beside me and then laid her head on my chest.

"How was your sleep?" She asked as she fiddled with my hand. Her hand were smaller than mine but she is way more stronger than I am.

"It was fine but it was unbelievably cold," I said, recalling how many blankets I used to sleep. She chuckled and looked at me.

"The cold doesn't really bother us so I didn't noticed," she said while pinching my cheeks a bit. I just smiled and let her do what she wants.

I saw a pair of eyes glowed from a dark room upstairs so my smile abruptly fell. Hyeon-Ju noticed it and looked at me confused.

"Is something wrong?" She said giving me a worried look. I looked back at the dark room but there was nothing there so I looked back at her and forced a smile.

"No, nothing's wrong," I said reassuring her. She seems to believe it and smiled again.

"What will happen if you became a vampire?" She asked out of the blue. I looked at her but she was looking at me seriously.

"I will be happy, I guess. Means that I will be with you forever," I said and she smiled wide.

"You know, I really love you. From the start, I loved you," she said causing butterflies to form in my stomach. I then smiled and kissed the side of her temple.

"I love you too, from the moon and back."

??? POV

"I found her alright, looks like she's with her mate," I said to the phone, talking to a boss of mine. The guy hummed in the other line, looks like he's thinking.

"We don't want any extras right?" He said as his cold voice sent shivers to my spine.

"Y-yes sir," I stuttered because he sound scary.

"I want you to kidnap Hyeon-Ju, the girl, do it cleanly. If you fail, you're dead." He said with a demanding voice. "If you succeed, you can live longer."

"Yes, b-boss. I won't fail you," I said and he hung up the phone. My hand fell to my side as I shake in fear.

I won't fail you, Sir M.

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