Chapter 23

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Hyeon-Ju's POV

I looked at the little girl who was eating some cereal. I turned to Yoongi and he was looking at her too. He then looked at me and pointed outside the kitchen, indicating that we should talk.

We left the girl eating and went somewhere more private. When we got there, Yoongi gave me a puzzled look.

"What are we going to do with her? We don't even know her," he said as he makes weird motions with his hands. I snicker and rolled my eyes then shrugged.

"She's a vampire," I said while glancing at girl. She is a vampire but not really.

"Really? I knew it, those magenta eyes gave it away."

"But not actually," I put both of my hands behind my back and turned my body to Yoongi. He furrowed his brows, absolutely confused.

"She's not really a 'vampire' because vampire kids already have red eyes, magenta is not a vampires' color," I explained. "She might be made by such experiments thereby explaining the men with white coats that are actually scientists," Yoongi looked at me at awe.

"Then why did your eyes turned pink?"

"My eyes turn pink when I control someone to say the truth," he widened his eyes and nodded slightly.

"Can we trust her?" He said while looking at the girl then turned to me. I sighed and shrugged again.

"I mean— she's just a kid, what can she do?" I asked him and he didn't said anything.

"She's not like Rocky," my gaze dropped to the ground when I remembered what happened at London. It still hurts but he's a psychopath that can't be trusted. He's dead, that's what matters.

He put a hand to my cheek and rubbed my face with his thumb, comforting me. I held his hand with mine and gave out a deep breath. I looked at his eyes and they were pretty. His black eyes has always been so beautiful.

"Then we will keep her? Like our child?" He said with a small smile. I chuckled and thought about it.

I've always wanted to marry him. Ever since we got together, it's my dream to have a family with him and expand my kind.

I nodded with a warm smile.

"Yes," I shortly said and kissed the back of his hand. He gently pulled my head using his other hand to kiss my forehead. I closed my eyes as I feel his cold lips. Even if it's cold, he still gives me warmth.

I patted his shoulder and then walked back to the kitchen where the girl is. She was already finished eating and was waiting for us. I sat by a stool right in front of her.

"Are you going to introduce yourself to us now?" I asked her with a caring voice. The girl looked down for a bit but she looked back at me then she nodded.

"My name is Ji-Hyun," she said with a small and sweet voice.

"Do you have any parents?" I asked but she shakes her head slowly. I nodded understanding her.

"Did the men with white coats did anything to you? What did they do?" Yoongi asked with his arms folded to his chest.

"They i-injected something to me then I t-turned into a m-monster," she stuttered and her eyes started watering. I hold her hand making her flinch but she didn't pulled her hand away.

"You're not a monster and actually, I'm like you," I said and I turned my eyes to red. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Me too," Yoongi said from behind me. Ji-Hyun looked at him and smiled widely like she's so amazed. I chuckled at her cuteness but my smile dropped when I thought about the scientists. They're so cruel, doing that to a child.

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